Id’d Confederate Enlisted Artilleryman’s Shell Jacket


Id’d Confederate Enlisted Artilleryman’s Shell Jacket – This is a superb and rare example of an early war, Confederate, enlisted artilleryman’s shell jacket, worn, at the onset of his wartime service, by Private Edwin F. Barnes, 1st Company, Virginia Howitzers, Light Artillery – the Richmond Howitzers. Barnes initially enlisted, in Richmond, in April, 1861, in Co. H of the 15th Virginia Infantry, transferring to the Howitzers in August, 1861. Barnes would remain in the Howitzers until the end of the war. Although this rare jacket resembles a Richmond Depot, Type III jacket, it is most likely an early war, issue jacket, briefly worn by Barnes, prior to his obtaining a Depot jacket, more commonly associated with the Richmond Howitzers; Barnes’ Richmond Depot, Howitzers’ jacket is in the collection of the American Civil War Museum, in Richmond.  The jacket listed here is constructed of a grayish brown, jean cloth and lined with an off-white, osnaburg; the exterior of the jacket is piped in artillery red, ribbed cotton or light-weave wool and has nine, two-piece, coat size, front closure, Virginia buttons – these buttons are original sews and all exhibit the pre-war, back mark: “Scovill. MFG. CO. WATERBURY.“ – the back mark is in the raised mark, depressed channel configuration. There are two pockets in the jacket – one on the exterior, lower right, lined in the same, off-white osnaburg material, as the interior lining. A second pocket is in the right interior of the jacket and is lined in blue / white, striped pillow-ticking. The lining is conspicuously stained in a rust color, perhaps from wear and resultant sweat. Additional evidence of early construction are the gathered, exterior shoulders. The coat remains in overall, excellent condition.

When we obtained the coat, it had, tucked in one of the pockets, an old, typed, file card that reads as follows:

“Confederate Artillery Shell Jacket

came with period pipe carved bowl of

soldier with bummers cap.

Reported to belong to: Corporal Edward (sic) F.


                                          1st Co. Richmond


                                                  Hardaway’s Battalion

                        2nd Corps

                                               Confederate type trousers of the period

                                               but not found with jacket”

Research indicates that Edwin Barnes enlisted in Richmond, in late April, 1861, as a Private, in Co. H of the 15th Va. Infantry; he transferred, in late August, 1861, to the Virginia 1st Company Howitzers Light Artillery, where he would remain, until signing the Oath of Allegiance, in Richmond, in April, 1865. Barnes would participate in numerous engagements, during the war, which he survived, unscathed; he died, in Richmond, in 1918; he married twice – of significant interest is his first marriage to Jennie Partington, a young actress who had emigrated to Virginia, with her two sisters and parents, from England. The family, comprised of her father, John Partington, who was a confectioner, and her mother, Martha Partington, arrived in New York City, when Jennie was very young. The family soon moved to Richmond, Virginia, where Jennie and her three sisters, Mary, Katie and Sallie, performed at the old Marshall Theatre, in Richmond in a variety of plays, including many Shakespearean plays and, later, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Sallie Partington (see attached additional information about Sallie Partington) would become known as the “The Sweetheart of the Confederacy” and “The Toast of Richmond”; Sallie entertained Gen. Lee’s Army and the Confederate Cabinet, at the Richmond Theater. The Partington sisters all acted in the years prior to the war, in Richmond. Edwin Barnes apparently met Jennie Partington, in 1861 and married her; they had one child, a son, Milton Edward Barnes. Jennie may have died in childbirth, as her son, was raised by Sallie. Edwin Barnes would remarry in 1891; he lived in Richmond for the remainder of his life, at 233 Laurel St., in the Oregon Hill neighborhood; his house remains standing today.

Edwin Forrest Barnes

Residence was not listed

Enlisted on 4/27/1861 at Richmond, VA as a Private.

On 4/27/1861 he mustered into “H” Co. VA 15th Infantry

He was transferred out on 8/23/1861

On 8/23/1861 he transferred into “1st” Co. VA 1st Co. Howitzers Light Artillery

(date and method of discharge not given)

He was listed as:

* Hospitalized 3/31/1863 Chimborazo Hospl, Richmond, VA (Rheumatism)

* Returned 8/4/1863 (place not stated)

* Oath Allegiance 4/1/1865 Richmond, VA

Other Information:

died in 1918


Name: Edwin Forrest Barnes
               Enlistment Date: 27 Apr 1861
Enlistment Place: Richmond, Virginia
Enlistment Rank: Private
Muster Date: 27 Apr 1861
Muster Place: Virginia
Muster Company: H
Muster Regiment: 15th Infantry
Muster Regiment Type: Infantry
Muster Information: Enlisted
Casualty Date: 31 Mar 1863
Casualty Place: Chimborazo Hospl, Richmond, Virginia
Type of Casualty: Hospitalized
Casualty Information: Rheumatism
Muster Out Date: 23 Aug 1861
Muster Out Information: Transferred
Side of War: Confederacy
Survived War?: Yes
Death Date: 1918
Notes: 1863-08-04 Returned; 1865-04-01 Oath Allegiance, (Richmond, VA)
Additional Notes 2: Muster 2 Date: 23 Aug 1861; Muster 2 Place: Virginia; Muster 2 Unit: 602; Muster 2 Company: 1st; Muster 2 Regiment: 1st Co. Howitzers LA; Muster 2 Regiment Type: Artillery; Muster 2 Information: Transferred








Edwin F. Barnes
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birth Date: 1837
Marriage Date: 25 Oct 1861
Marriage Place: Richmond, Virginia, USA
Father: Lewis L. Barnes
Mother: Rosalie
Spouse: Jennie Partington


Name: Edwin F.Barnes
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Age: 47
Birth Date: 1843
Birth Place: Richmond City, VA
Marriage Date: 14 May 1890
Marriage Place: Hanover County, Virginia
Father: Lewis Barnes
Mother: Rosalie Barnes
Spouse: Mary Wyatt









1st Co. Howitzers VA Light Artillery Battery

Organized: Richmond, VA on 4/21/61
Mustered Out: 4/8/65


From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Jul ’61 Jul ’61 Bonham’s Army of Potomac
Jul ’61 Aug ’61 Bonham’s 1st Army of Potomac
Jan ’62 Feb ’62 Artillery Forces at Dumfries, VA Potomac District Dept of Northern Virginia
Apr ’62 May ’62 Griffith’s McLaws’ Magruder’s Dept of Northern Virginia
May ’62 May ’62 Griffith’s Magruder’s Dept of Northern Virginia
Jun ’62 Jul ’62 Griffith’s Magruder’s Magruder’s Army of Northern Virginia
Jul ’62 Sep ’62 Griffith’s/Brarksdale’s McLaws’ 1st Army of Northern Virginia
Sep ’62 Jul ’63 Artillery McLaws’ 1st Army of Northern Virginia
Jul ’63 Sep ’63 Cabell’s Artillery 1st Army of Northern Virginia
Sep ’63 Mar ’64 Cabell’s Reserve Artillery Army of Northern Virginia
Mar ’64 Apr ’65 Cabell’s Artillery 1st Army of Northern Virginia


R.M. Anderson’s Company, Virginia Light Artillery (1st Company, Richmond Howitzers) – Confederate


R.M. Anderson’s Company, Virginia Light Artillery (1st Company, Richmond Howitzers) (Confederate)

Brief History

R.M. Anderson’s Company, Virginia Light Artillery (1st Company, Richmond Howitzers) (Confederate) was accepted into Confederate service in June, 1861. Its members were recruited in Richmond. Surrendered with 12 on April 9, 1865. Captains Edward S. McCarthy, William P. Palmer, and John C. Shields were in command.

1st Richmond (Virginia) Howitzers

November 9 Organized by George Wyeth Randolph after John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry. Randolph was elected as the first captain of the company
Marched to Charles Town to maintain order during John Brown’s trial and execution.
The company was designated Company H of the First Regiment of Volunteers.
April 19 Ordered to the Spotswood Hotel in Richmond.
April 21 Mustered into state service for one year and sent to Wilton’s Bluff with the Fayette Artillery and Richmond Grays to defend against the Federal gunboat Pawnee. The Pawnee never appeared.
April 23 Returned to Richmond
April 28 Moved to the Baptist College Artillery Barracks near Fush Hill in Richmond. Detached from the First Regiment of Volunteers and attached to an artillery battalion commanded by Captain J.W. Randolph. Captain John Shields took over command of the company, which was redesignated 1st Company, Richmond Howitzer battalion.
May 3 Captain Randolph was promoted to major. Lieutenant John T. Brown took a section of the battery to Gloucester Point on the York River.
May 7 Lieutenant Brown’s rifle fired on the Federal steamer Yankee. The Yankee withdrew after trading a few shots.
May 8-10 The Second and Third Companies were created under Captains John Thompson Brown and Robert C. Stannard, with all three companies under the command of Major G.W. Randolph. All three companies were sent to camp at Howard’s Grove except for the section still at Gloucester Point.

The First Company was assigned two 12-pounder Howitzers and two 6-pounders.

May 15 Moved from Howard’s Grove to Chimborazo.
May 25 Left Richmond by railroad for Manassas Junction.
May 26 Arrived in the evening at Manassas Junction and went into camp at Camp Pickens.
June 20 Assigned to the First Brigade of the Army of the Potomac under Brigadier General Bonham.
June 29 Moved to Fairfax Court House.
July 3-4 One section consisting of one six-pounder and one 12-pounder under Second Lieutenant E.S. McCarthy moved to Mills Crossroads in support of Colonel Kershaw’s South Carolina regiment. It engaged Union pickets on the morning of July 4.
July 17
Blackburn’s Ford

Withdrew to Mitchell’s Ford on Bull Run. Federal guns fired on the battery but remained out of range. The four guns of the Howitzers did not return fire.

July 21
Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

The four guns of the battery guarded Mitchell’s Ford while the heavy fighting of the battle took place within sight further upstream. After the Federals collapsed and began their retreat to Washington Lieutenant William Palmer’s section accompanied Bonham’s Brigade to Centreville, but was not engaged. The other two sections of the battery moved to Fairfax Courthouse and to Vienna.

July 23 The battery reunited at Germantown.
July 25 Assigned to the Fourth (Longstreet’s) Brigade of the First Corps
July 27 Moved to Centreville.
August 9 Attached to the Seventh (Evans’) Brigade of the First Corps at Leesburg.
August 10 Moved to Leesburg and went into camp at Mead’s Farm, with Lieutenant Edward McCarthy’s section at Big Springs.
August Expeditions to White’s Ferry and Point of Rocks. Two guns were added to the battery.
September Captain Brown was promoted to major.
October 9 Lieutenant Palmer’s section moved to the Edwards Ferry Road.
October 16 Lieutenant McCarthy’s section supported Colonel Turner Ashby’s attack on Harpers Ferry.
November 17 Captain Shields was promoted to lieutenant colonel and sent to Richmond. Lieutenant Palmer was elected captain and took command of the company.
End of December The company went into winter quarters at Leesburg.
March 7 Withdrew from Leesburg to rejoin Johnson’s main army.
Early April Moved to the Peninsula
April 10 The company arrived in Richmond and stayed a few days at Camp Lee, commanded by their former commander, Lt. Colonel Shields. The men were feasted and allowed to visit the city.
April-June Peninsula Campaign
April 14 The battery went by steamer down the James River
April 16 The battery was put into position at Dam No. 1, exposed to Federal artillery fire and sharpshooters.
Mid-April The battery re-enlisted for the duration of the war and elected Lieutenanant McCarthy as captain, Captain Palmer having decided to join the army’s medical staff.
May 2 Withdrawn from Dam No. 1 to Fort Magruder.
May 5
Battle of Williamsburg

Supported R.H. Anderson’s Brigade south of Williamsburg and in Fort Magruder, repelling a Federal attack, fighting side by side with three guns of the Richmond Fayette Artillery. The company appropriated a Federal 3″ rifle which had been abandoned during the fight.

mid-May In camp near Richmond
May 17 Picket duty from Meadow Bridge to Garnett’s Farm.
May 31-June 1
Battle of Seven Pines

Fired across the Chickahominy at Federal forces.

June 25-July 1
Seven Days Battles

Assigned to support Griffith’s Brigade of Magruder’s Division.

June 29
Battle of Fair Oaks

Under fire but not engaged

July 1
Battle of Malvern Hill

Three pieces were engaged until using up their ammunition. A 6-pounder was hit in the muzzle by a Federal 12-pounder shot, and a number of gun carriages were damaged.

August One section of the battery was attached to Barksdale’s Brigade of McLaws’ Division at Gordonsville while the other section remained behind at Richmond to refit.
Maryland Campaign

The sections of the battery reunited, bringing two 10-pounded Parrott rifles and to 6-pounder howitzers

September 13-15
Siege and Capture of Harpers Ferry
September 17
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

The battery was commanded by First Lieutenant Edward S. McCarthy and attached to Barksdale’s Brigade of McLaws’ Division. It was armed with two 10-pounder Parrott Rifles and two 6-pounder guns, although the two 6-pounders were probably left behind at Leesburg. The battery spent the entire day in the lines and lost 1 man killed and 2 wounded out of 33 men engaged.

October In camp near Culpeper Court House
November Moved to Fredericksburg area
December 13
Battle of Fredericksburg

The two 10-pounder Parrott rifles of the battery were engaged shelling the Federal attack from behind the Howison House to the east of Telegraph Road. The shorter ranged 6-pounders were not engaged.

April The artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia was reorganized, with the First Company of Richmond Howitzers assigned to Cabell’s Artillery Battalion in McLaw’s Division of Longstreet’s First Corps.
May 1-5
Chancellorsville Campaign

The battery was engaged the Battle of Chancellorsville and the Battle of Salem Church, losing two men killed and two wounded.

April 29 On Lee’s Hill in Fredericksburg.
May 1 Major Hamilton (temporarily commanding the battalion) ordered the Howitzers along with Manly’s Battery to join the division
May 2 Relieved Pegram’s Battalion in its position on the turnpike outside Chancellorsville. The line withdrew later in the day and the battery’s two 6-pounders were positioned at the front.
May 3 The battery’s two 10-pounder Parrotts were also moved to the front. In the afternoon the battery joined the division in moving to Salem Church.
May 4
Salem Church
May 5 Attached to Kershaw’s Brigade of McLaws’ Division
May The battery rearmed with two 3″ Ordnance rifles and two 12-pounder Napoleons.
June 3 Began the march to Pennsylvania
June 26 Crossed the Potomac
July 1 Camped a few miles west of Gettysburg
July 2 & 3
Battle of Gettysburg

On July 2 the battery moved into position north of the Snyder farm. The rifles opened fire around 4:00 p.m. to support Longstreet’s attack, with the shorter ranged Napoleons nearby in reserve. The rifles fired 200 rounds at the Devils Den. In turn, they were exposed to the heaviest artillery fire they had experienced, losing seven men wounded and thirteen horses killed.

On July 3 the battery was positioned well in advance of the skirmish line and drove back a Federal advance with twenty rounds. The battery then repositioned to the center of the Confederate line on Seminary Ridge for the grand barrage which would prepare for Pickett’s Charge. The barrage opened around 1:30, firing 300 rounds. A wheel was shot off one of the rifles and a caisson was abandoned when its team was killed. Two men were killed and two wounded and ten horses were lost. During the two days of the fighting the rifles fired about 600 rounds and the Napoleons 264.

From the marker on the Gettysburg battlefield:

July 2. At 3.30 P. M. placed in reserve near here. The rifled guns advanced to this position at 4 P. M. and engaged in severe artillery fight until dark. The men of the Napoleon section sometimes relieved those of the rifled section.

July 3. Advanced and formed part of the main artillery line the rifle section near Emmitsburg Road the Napoleons further to the left all hotly engaged sometimes changing positions. Retired from the front after dark.

July 4. In position near here. One Napoleon aided in checking a hostile advance. All withdrew from the field at night.

Ammunition expended about 850 rounds. One rifle was disabled.

Losses Killed 2 Wounded 8 Horses killed or disabled 25

July 6

The battery took up defensive positions but was not engaged.

July Moved south, camping at Bunker Hill near Winchester and at Millwood and Gaines’ Cross Roads.
July 25 The battery reached Culpeper Court House.
September The battery was stationed at Morton’s Ford on the Rapidan River. McLaws’ Division had been transferred to the Western Theater with most of Longstreet’s First Corps but the Howitzers were left in Virginia along with Cabell’s Battalion and were assigned to the Army Artillery Reserve.
April Longstreet returned to the Eastern Theater. McLaws had been replaced by Joseph B. Kershaw as division commander and the First Company Richmond Howitzers was assigned to Kershaw’s Division. Lieutenant Edward McCarthy was promoted to captain.
May 6
Battle of the Wilderness

The battery moved to Parker’s Store, then to New Hope Church. It was not engaged, as no good ground could be found to position artillery.

May 7-8 Moved to Spotsylvania Court House and was placed on a rise on the left of Longstreet’s line.
May 10
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

The battery was engaged in heavy fighting. A Federal attack broke the Confederate line close to the battery’s position. It was forced back when Sergeant E.G. Steane enfiladed the attack with double canister.

May 28 Moved to Pole Green Church on Totopotomy Creek and was involved in heavy skirmishing and sharpshooting.
May 30 Moved to near Old Cold Harbor, supporting Kershaw’s Division.
June 1-3
Cold Harbor

Heavily engaged in the lines at Cold Harbor, particularly in repulsing the disastrous Federal assault on the June 3.

June 4 In position east of Gaines’ Mill Pond. Captain Edward S. McCarthy was killed by a rifle shot through the head. Captain Robert M. Anderson took over command of the battery
June 15 Moved to Petersburg.
Siege of Petersburg

The company camped near Port Walthall Junction between Richmond and Petersburg at Dunn House and saw little action, operating as a reserve. The two 3″ rifles had been replaced by this time and the battery was armed with four Napoleons.

April 2 The Petersburg and Richmond lines were evacuated and the battery fell back to Amelia Court House. The poor condition of the horses caused many to give out on the march. It was decided to destroy the battery’s caissons, even though it dangerously limited the battery’s ammunition, so that the remaining serviceable horses could be used in the gun teams. At Amelia Court House the battery was attached to General Reuben L. Walker’s artillery.
April 8 Engagement with Federal cavalry in a surprise attack near Appomattox Court House using canister and small arms. Left the man body of the army to march for Lynchburg.
April 10 The battery was near Red Oak Church when it learned of the surrender of the army. They buried their cannon in a ravine, destroyed the carriages and other equipment, and disbanded.


Sallie Partington
Born May 1834

Islington, England

Died January 10, 1907 (aged 72)

Richmond, Virginia, U.S.

Resting place Hollywood Cemetery
Occupation Actress

Sallie (Sally) Partington (May 1834 – January 10, 1907) was an American Civil War era actress born in May 1834 at No. 28 High Street, Islington, England. She worked with many famous actors of the era, including John Wilkes Booth. During the American Civil War she was considered “the toast of Richmond” and was a great source of inspiration and encouragement to Confederate soldiers, ending many of her stage performances with a salute to the Confederacy. Partington was also well known for her performance in the popular Confederate play the Virginia Cavalier in which she performed the song “Southern Soldier Boy”, written by Confederate Captain G. W. Alexander.

Early life

Sallie’s family, consisting of her father, John Partington, who was a confectioner, her mother, Martha Partington, and her older sister, Mary, arrived in New York City when Sallie was very young. The family soon moved to Richmond, Virginia, where Sallie and her three sisters, Mary, Katie and Jennie, performed at the old Marshall Theatre[3] in Richmond in a variety of plays, including many Shakespearean plays and, later, as Topsy in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Except for her theatrical travels, Sally remained in Richmond for the rest of her life.

Conspiracy theory

Sallie was one of those southerners who believed that John Wilkes Booth was never captured. She claimed to have personally seen a letter written by Booth to her good friend, Clementine DeBarr, which proved that Booth was alive. DeBarr was the second wife of Booth’s brother, Junius Brutus Booth Jr. According to the letter, Junius helped his brother escape to Australia, which, coincidentally, also happened to be the childhood home of Junius’s first wife, Marian Agnes Land Rookes, who had been born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The letter said that immediately after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Booth escaped to Australia by pawning a diamond ring to a sea captain who then arranged passage for the fugitive in a three-masted schooner. Booth ended the letter by describing his life in Australia as “peaceful”.

Sally Partington claimed that her friend was “…in constant communication with Booth” long after his supposed “death” on April 26, 1865, and that the letters proved that Booth had, indeed, escaped to Australia where he lived out the remainder of his life.


Sallie Partington died in Richmond, Virginia, on January 10, 1907. At the time of her death she was living at 1111 Graham Street with her nephew, Milton Edward Barnes, and his family. Partington had raised Barnes after the death of her sister, Jennie Partington Barnes. Barnes’s eldest daughter, also named Jennie, was the grandmother of Gail Hutchins Mewes, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the contributor of this article. Mewes recalls that her grandmother remembered her famous aunt fondly and would often recount the stories her aunt had told her about being an actress during the Civil War and about her encounters with the mysterious, flirtatious, John Wilkes Booth. Sallie Partington is buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond along with her mother, her sisters, her brother (who served in the Confederacy) and many famous Confederate soldiers.