Civil War Federal Cartridge Box Excavated From the Banks of the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg


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Civil War Federal Cartridge Box Excavated From the Banks of the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg – This Model 1858 Pattern of 1861 cartridge box was excavated out of the mud along the banks of the Rappahannock River, in Fredericksburg, in the 1970s. Apparently dropped during either the 1862 or the 1863 battles of Fredericksburg, this cartridge box remains in good condition. The digger, an experienced, archaeological conservator, conserved this box – it is stable and strong, although the outer cover, while complete, has separated from the top of the box. This outer cover evidences holes indicative of once having a box plate affixed; neither of the cartridge tins remain, having disintegrated during the years buried in the river mud, while anaerobic conditions maintained the leather’s integrity. Both “ears” of the box remain in place, and the interior implement pouch is intact; one of the sling buckles is missing, as is the latch tab; both belt loops remain in place. This is an excellent river find relic, from the site of two of the most significant engagements in the Civil War.