Civil War M1850 Field and Staff Officer’s Sword and Officer’s Belt – Id’d to Capt. R.R. Wallace of the 74th Ohio Inf. and 9th USC Heavy Artillery



Civil War M1850 Field and Staff Officer’s Sword and Officer’s Belt – Id’d to Capt. R.R. Wallace of the 74th Ohio Inf. and 9th USC Heavy Artillery – This fine example of a Model 1850 Field and Staff Officer’s sword, accompanied by a superior quality officer’s belt, carried and worn by Capt. Russell Ross Wallace who initially enlisted as a private, then quickly was elevated to the rank of Sergeant and later commissioned at the rank of Captain, in the 74th Ohio Infantry; in the Fall of 1864, Captain Wallace became an officer, remaining at the rank of Captain, in the 9th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery.


The belt is a high quality example, constructed of a fine grade of bridle leather, with decorative stitching. The M1851, cast Eagle Belt plate, is stamped, on the back “Evans & Hassall / Philadelphia” – this company was formed, just before the Civil War, by two former employees of Horstmann. We will supply the buyer with any and all of the research we have conducted on Capt. Wallace, as well as the complete provenance and “descent” of the haversack and ditty bag, through the family to today; this descent is completely and irrefutably documented.


Robert Ross Wallace

Residence was not listed; 25 years old. Enlisted on 2/10/1862 as a Private. On 2/10/1862 he mustered into “K” Co. OH 74th Infantry He was discharged for promotion on 10/7/1864   Promotions: * Sergt 2/28/1862   Other Information: Member of GAR Post # 105 (T. Lyle Dickey) in Pontiac, IL died 8/13/1918 (Middle name Ross.)


74th OH Infantry
( 3-years )

Organized: on 10/1/61
Mustered Out: 7/10/65 at Louisville, KYOfficers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 2
Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 2
Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 51
Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 105
(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)


From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Apr ’62 Sep ’62 Unattached Army of Ohio
Sep ’62 Nov ’62 7 8 Army of Ohio
Nov ’62 Jan ’63 3 2 Centre, 14 Army of Cumberland
Jan ’63 Oct ’63 3 2 14 Dept and Army of Ohio and Cumberland
Oct ’63 Jun ’65 3 1 14 Dept and Army of Ohio and Cumberland
Jun ’65 Jul ’65 2 1 14 Dept and Army of Ohio and Cumberland Mustered Out


(Three Years)

     Seventy-fourth Infantry. – Cols., Granville Moody, Josiah Given; Lieut.-Cols., Alexander Von Schrader, Robert P. Findley; Majs., Alexander S. Ballard, Thomas C. Bell, Joseph Fisher, Cornelius McGreevey. This regiment was organized at Columbus, Enon, Xenia, Hamilton and Cincinnati from Oct. 5, 1861 to March 27, 1862, to serve for three years. It was ordered to the field in April, 1862, reported at Nashville, and went into camp near that city. It spent the summer of 1862 performing de- tailed duty in Tennessee, went into the battle of Stone’s river on Dec. 31, 1862, and remained in it until nightfall of Jan. 3,     being hotly engaged Dec. 31, and was one of the regiments se- lected to charge across the river on Jan. 2, against Brecken- ridge’s Confederate corps. The regiment went into this battle with 380 effective men, of whom it lost 109 in killed and     wounded, and 46 captured. On the movement toward Chattanooga in June, the regiment participated in the battles of Hoover’s gap, Dug gap and Chickamauga. It also participated in the bat- tles of Lookout mountain and Missionary ridge.     A majority of the men re-enlisted as veteran volunteers and after the fur- lough home returned to the field in April, 1864, numbering 619     men. At Buzzard Roost gap the regiment was specially engaged and in an attempt to storm that stronghold, lost 16 men killed and wounded. At Resaca it lost 9 men killed and wounded. At Kennesaw mountain it had a most arduous and perilous duty to perform, and for two weeks was under a constant fire of mus- ketry and shells. It was also engaged at the Chattahoochee river, Peachtree creek and in front of Atlanta. At the battle of Jonesboro it made three distinct charges and lost 14 killed     and 25 wounded. The aggregate loss of the regiment in this     campaign was 18 killed and 88 wounded. It moved with Sherman through Georgia and up through the Carolinas, in which heavy     skirmishing was encountered at Averasboro, and at Bentonville the last battle of the army was fought. It was mustered out on July 10, 1865.



Robert R. Wallace

Residence was not listed; Enlisted on 11/1/1864 at Nashville, TN as a Captain. On 11/1/1864 he was commissioned into “C” Co. US CT 9th Heavy Artillery (date and method of discharge not given) (Estimated date of enlistment)


9th UC Heavy Artillery
( 3-years )

Organized: Nashville, TN on 11/1/64
Mustered Out: 5/5/65



Organized at Clarksville and Nashville, Tenn., October 8 to November 1, 1864.     Attached to District of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, till May, 1865. Broken up May 5, 1865.