Pre-Civil War through Civil War Period Civilian Men’s Pants


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Pre-Civil War through Civil War Period Civilian Men’s Pants – This pair of pants is one of the finer of their type that we have encountered; they are constructed of a heavy weave, black, near corduroy-like, ribbed wool. Their waist profile, when laid out flat, exhibits a distinct “high rise”, in the back waist area; this style is indicative of pre-war and wartime men’s trousers, civilian and military. The waist area is lined in an off white linen or cotton; the pockets are lined in a light blue cotton. The size adjuster straps, at the back waist area, are closed by a black, japanned clasp, which is undated. The cuff of each pants leg is lined with a brown, cotton buckram, as a means of protecting the lower, interior lining of each pants leg from soiling and general wear – another feature commonly found in period pants. The construction is represented by a combination of both hand and treadle machine work. This is a fine pair of period men’s pants; they are in excellent condition.