CS Haversack Brought North as Souvenir by Lt. Col. G.S. Burnham 1st Ct. Inf.



CS Haversack Brought North as Souvenir by Lt. Col. G.S. Burnham 1st Ct. Inf. – This superior example of a Confederate officer’s haversack was brought back home by Lt. Col. George Sumner Burnham, after his short time in the U.S. Army. This haversack came from an old collection in upstate New York and is accompanied by two old narratives, one handwritten and one typed, describing the provenance of the haversack. The haversack is an archetypal CS haversack, constructed of light gauge, tarred or black painted linen and lined, in the main body interior, with a fine blue satinette; the smaller document pouch is lined in an off-white cotton linen. The bag is in very good condition, evidencing some field use and resultant wear, with a tear near where one end of the shoulder strap attached. The shoulder strap, as with most of these haversacks, is missing, although we found about one-third of the strap, constructed of thin, russet brown leather, still retaining its original, japanned roller buckle, inside the main pouch of the haversack. Stitching for the original attachments of the shoulder strap to the body of the haversack, are indicative of a Confederate style of handwork. These haversacks are quite rare and this example is in overall great condition, accompanied by a most interesting provenance. W – 14″; Ht. – 12″.

George Sumner Burnham


Residence Hartford CT;

Enlisted on 4/18/1861 as a Lieut Colonel.


On 4/23/1861 he was commissioned into Field & Staff CT 1st Infantry

He was Mustered Out on 7/31/1861 at New Haven, CT


On 9/20/1862 he was commissioned into Field & Staff

CT 22nd Infantry

He was Mustered Out on 7/7/1863 at Hartford, CT


On 5/18/1864 he was commissioned into

US Volunteers Quartermaster’s Dept

He was discharged on 8/10/1865




* Colonel 5/10/1861

* Colonel 9/20/1862 (As of 22nd CT Inf)

* Capt 5/18/1864 (Captain & Asst Quartermaster)



Other Information:

born in Connecticut

died 8/27/1893 in Hartford, CT


After the War he lived in Hartford, CT


1st CT Infantry

( 3-mos )

Organized: Hartford, CT on 4/22/61

Mustered Out: 7/31/61 at New Haven, CT


Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0

Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0

Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 1

Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 1

(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)

From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Jun ’61 Aug ’61 1 1 Department of Northeastern Virginia Mustered Out











22nd CT Infantry

( 9-mos )

Organized: Hartford, CT on 9/20/62

Mustered Out: 7/7/63 at Hartford, CT


Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0

Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0

Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0

Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 20

(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)

From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Oct ’62 Feb ’63 2 Abercrombie’s Military District of Washington
Feb ’63 Apr ’63 2 Abercrombie’s 22 Department of Washington, D.C.
Apr ’63 May ’63 Porter’s Gurney’s 7 Department of Virginia
May ’63 Jul ’63 2 2 4 Department of Virginia Mustered Out

























(Three Months.)



THE First Regiment of the three months’ men was recruited

under the proclamation of President Lincoln, issued Monday,

April 15, 1861, and the call of Governor Buckingham issued the

day following.


Anticipating the call of the Governor, recruiting had

begun so promptly that by the 16th many companies were ready to

report with more than the minimum required, and Rifle Company A

of Hartford, with George S. Burnham, Captain, Joseph R. Hawley,

1st Lieutenant, Albert W. Drake, 2d Lieutenant, had completed

its organization with full ranks. This company and Rifle

Company A, Captain John C. Comstock, left Hartford for the

rendezvous at New Haven, April 20th. The regiment was at once

organized with Dan. Tyler of Norwich, as Colonel, George S.

Burnham, Lieut.-Colonel, and John L. Chatfield, Major.


The regiment was at first quartered in the buildings of

Yale College and wherever shelter could be found, but soon went

into camp in a vacant lot in the western part of the town,

where the different companies where mustered into United States

service, and immediately began work in earnest at company and

regimental drill. On May 10th the regiment embarked for

Washington on the steamer “Bienville,” and on the same day

Colonel Tyler, who was a West Point graduate and had seen

regular army service, was made Brigadier-General of Volunteers;

Lieut.-Colonel Burnham being promoted to the full Colonelcy of

the regiment.


The First arrived at Washington via Chesapeake Bay and the

Potomac May 13th and proceeded at once to camp at “Glenwood,”

about two miles north of the Capitol.


May 31st Lieut.-Colonel Chatfield was promoted to the

Colonelcy of the Third Regiment, vice Arnold resigned.


Major Spiedel was made Lieut.-Colonel and Captain Theodore

Byxbee of Meriden, was made Major.


These were days of intense excitement in Washington, and

false alarms were frequent, but cool heads were in control of

the Connecticut Brigade.


On the day of Colonel Ellsworth’s funeral, all Washington

was subjected to a false alarm, the long roll was sounded, and

the First was hastily ordered out and marched to Long Bridge,

when the alarm having subsided it was ordered back to camp.


At midnight, June 1st, the regiment broke camp at Glenwood

and crossing Long Bridge, marched to Roach’s Mills on the

Alexandria & Leesburg railroad, where it established camp,

relieving the 12th New York.


About June 16th a detachment of the First, under Colonel

Burnham, was ordered up the railroad as escort to General Tyler

in a reconnoisance. The train was made up of miserable rolling

stock, and the couplings parted so frequently that the

detachment was compelled to return after passing a short

distance beyond Vienna. As the train was passing Vienna on its

return, it was fired into from an ambuscade, and George H.

Bugbee, of Infantry Company A, was severely wounded.     If we

except Major Theodore Winthrop, who fell at Big Bethel seven

days earlier, this was the first blood of a Connecticut soldier

in the Civil war.


The next day the First was ordered on the same duty, but

was relieved by the 1st and 2d Ohio regiments, the 1st

Connecticut going to the grounds in the vicinity of Long

Bridge, where with a large number of other regiments it was

reviewed by the Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War.


As the review closed the First was ordered hurriedly to

the relief of the Ohio regiments which had been fired into at

Vienna. On the next day the First went into camp at Falls

Church, then considerably in advance of the main lines–a

position peculiarly exposed to attack, as the rebels could

easily reach its rear by way of either Balls’ or Bailey’s Cross



The First Regiment was joined by the Second on the next

day, and soon after by the Third Connecticut and the Second

Maine regiments, all of which were organized as a brigade,

under command of Colonel Erasmus D. Keyes.


On July 16th the entire army under immediate command of

General McDowell began its advance toward Manassas, and Keyes

Brigade, designated the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, had the

advance–the First Regiment covering the left of the head of

column as skirmishers and the Second covering the right. They

bivouacked the first night at Vienna, and the second at

Germantown, arriving at Centerville on the 18th.


At midnight of Saturday, July 20th, the brigade was

advanced via Warrentown road toward Bull Run, and was detached

to guard the Warrentown road during the detour of the flanking

column via Sudley Ford. It remained in this position until

about 10 A. M., when it was advanced across Bull Run and formed

line of battle beyond Youngs Branch, farther west.


Colonel Keyes in his official report said:


“The order to advance was given at about ten o’clock A.

M., and from that hour to four P. M. my brigade was in constant

activity on the field of battle. The First Regiment

Connecticut Volunteers was met by a body of cavalry and

infantry, which it repelled, and at several other encounters at

different parts of the line the enemy constantly retired before



“Before recrossing Bull Run, and until my brigade mingled

with the retreating mass, it maintained perfect freedom from

panic, and at the moment I received the order for retreat, and

for some time afterward, it was in as good order as in the

morning on the road. Half an hour earlier I supposed the

victory to be ours.”


Before night-fall the entire brigade reached its former

campground at Centerville in good order, and under orders,

bivouacked as was supposed for the night; the men suffering

much from fatigue, at once going to sleep on their arms.


About 10 o’clock P. M. peremptory orders came to continue

the retreat to Falls Church. The road was now comparatively

clear, as the disorganized part of the army was already far

advanced on its way to Washington. About 9 A. M. the next day

the regiment arrived at Falls Church, and, in a drenching rain,

struck its tents and despatched its entire camp and garrison

equipage, together with that of the Second Maine, which had

left the brigade, to Alexandria. The three Connecticut

regiments marched that night to the camp of the First and

Second Ohio regiments, which they found deserted.     Occupying

this standing camp during the night, it spent all day Tuesday,

July 23d, in packing and sending to Alexandria the camp and

garrison equipage of the First and Second Ohio and the Second

New York regiments, leaving not a vestige of anything useful to

fall into the hands of the enemy.


General Tyler in his report says:


“At seven o’clock on Tuesday evening, I saw the three

Connecticut regiments, with two thousand bayonets, march under

the guns of Fort Corcoran in good order, after having saved us

not only a large amount of public property, but the

mortification of seeing our standing camps fall into the hands

of the enemy.”


The First remained in Washington until July 27th, when

(their term of service having expired on the 22d) it started

for New Haven, where, after tedious delays, it arrived and was

mustered out on July 31st. The regiment was splendidly armed

and equipped; eight companies with Springfield rifled muskets,

and the two flank companies with Sharps rifles.     The clothing

was much of it very inferior, though all possible effort was

made to remedy the defect.


A few of the companies were old militia organizations

which preferred to retain their old regimental letters, thereby

occasioning some confusion, but the exigencies of that short

term of service did not warrant dallying with trifles.


Too much credit can never be accorded the members of the

three months’ regiments, who from pure patriotism, without

promise or hope of bounty or reward, eagerly enlisted to repel

the enemies of their country; and who with still greater

alacrity would have enlisted for the war had the call of

President Lincoln permitted it.


This early service was an excellent school for the citizen

soldiers of the State, and by far the larger part of those who

participated were soon again in the service for three years or

the war, fully one hundred and eighty from the 1st Regiment

holding commissions.


Connecticut can always look back with pride on her three

months volunteers of 1861.