Civil War Id’d Rank Straps and Hat Badge Worn by Lt. Col. (Later Brevet Brig. General) Allyne Cushing Litchfield 7th Michigan Cavalry
Civil War Id’d Rank Straps and Hat Badge Worn by Lt. Col. (Later Brevet Brig. General) Allyne Cushing Litchfield 7th Michigan Cavalry – Allyne Litchfield enlisted in August 1862, into Co. B 5th Michigan Cavalry and was immediately commissioned at the rank of Lt., then Captain. After a short stint with the 5th Michigan, Litchfield transferred into the Field & Staff, at the rank of Lt. Colonel, with the 7th Michigan Cavalry. He would continue his service in the 7th, ultimately rising to the rank of full Colonel, in March 1864. During the course of his service, Litchfield’s regiment would participate in a series of significant actions to include: Gettysburg, Kilpatrick’s ill-fated raid on Richmond, the Wilderness, the Battle of Yellow Tavern, the Battle of Cedar Creek, Cold Harbor, Haw’s Shop, the Battle of Trevillian Station, the Petersburg Campaign, the Battle of Five Forks, Sailor’s Creek and Appomattox. Col. Litchfield was captured, on March 1, 1864, at the Battle of Atlee Station, near Richmond and was sent initially to Libby Prison; after about a little over 4 months at Libby Prison, Litchfield was transferred south, to Macon, Georgia, to the Confederate POW Camp Ogelthorpe; he would be transferred again, to Camp “Sorghum” near Columbia, South Carolina and later exchanged in March, 1865. Two weeks after his release from prison, Litchfield was breveted, for courageous and meritorious service, to the rank of Brigadier General.
This grouping of insignia includes: Litchfield’s Lt. Colonel, Smith’s patent, cavalry rank straps, dating to his promotion in November, 1862 when he had just transferred to the 7th Michigan Cavalry. These straps are constructed of gilded, faux bullion, stamped sheet brass, with bright yellow velvet interiors, with a pair of silver oak leaves at the distal interior of each strap – these straps are the early war Smith Patent straps with leather attached as undergirding of each – each also has a pair of brass frock coat attachment flanges at either end of the underside of the straps – one flange, on each strap, is stamped “PAT. JUNE 18 ‘61” and the other is stamped “JAMES S. SMITH”; Litchfield’s gold bullion, crossed sabers, on black velvet, circumferentially surrounded by bullion wire, with a bullion number “7” above the intersection of the sabers – the badge is backed with polished, brown cotton and has a pair of attachment loops in place on the back; one Brigadier General’s rank strap, with bullion edging and a single, silver bullion star – backing is a black silk or satin, with black japanned attachment hooks at each corner. Lt. Colonel Litchfield’s hat badge and rank straps remain in excellent condition; the single Brigadier General’s strap has some significant insect damage to the black velvet field.
The provenance and original ownership of Lt. Col. Litchfield was established by renown long time collector / dealer Jim Frasca who obtained the grouping from descendants of Lt. Col. Litchfield, several decades ago. Frasca would later sell the grouping to a well-known collector of Civil War insignia, in the Midwest. We obtained the grouping from that collector.
Allyne Cushing Litchfield
Residence Blendon, MI; 27 years old.
Enlisted on 8/14/1862 at Georgetown, Ottawa Co., MI as a Captain.
On 8/27/1862, he was commissioned into “B” Co. Michigan 5th Cavalry.
He was discharged for promotion on 11/13/1862
On 11/14/1862, he was commissioned into Field & Staff Michigan 7th Cavalry.
He was disch on 5/26/1865
He was listed as:
- POW 3/1/1864 Atlee Station, VA (Confined at Macon, GA & Columbia, SC)
- Confined 3/2/1864 Libby Prison, Richmond, VA
- Confined 7/16/1864 Macon, GA (Also confined at Columbia, SC)
- Exchanged 3/1/1865 (place not stated)
- Brig-General 3/13/1865 by Brevet
- Lt Colonel 11/14/1862 (As of 7th MI Cav)
- Colonel 3/1/1864
Born 7/15/1835 in Hingham, MA
Died 5/16/1911 in North East Township, Erie Co., PA
(Signed Petition Complaining of Camp Sorghum Conditions)
After the war, he lived in Oakmont, PA
5th MI Cavalry
Organized: Detroit, MI on 8/30/1862
Mustered out: 6/22/1865
MICHIGAN Fifth Cavalry. (Three Years) The Fifth Cavalry was organized at Detroit and was mustered into the United States service Aug. 30, 1862. It left Detroit Dec. 4, 1862, for Washington, D. C., with an enrollment of 1,144 officers and men. The field, staff and line officers at organization were as follows. Colonel, Joseph T. Copeland, Pontiac. Lieutenant Colonel, William D. Mann, Detroit. Majors, Freeman Norvell, Detroit; Ebenezer Gould, Owosso, and Luther S. Trowbridge, Detroit. Surgeon, John P. Wilson, Pontiac. Assistant Surgeon, Addison R. Stone, Memphis. Adjutant, Richard Baylis, St. Johns. Quartermaster, Arthur Edwards, Trenton. Commissary, Dwight A. Aiken, Pontiac. Chaplain, Oliver Taylor, Detroit. A. Captain, Wellington W. Gray, Pontiac. First Lieutenant, William M. Underhill, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Samuel Harris, Rochester. Second Lieutenant, Egbert B. Clark, Clarkston. B. Captain, Allyn C. Litchfield, Blendon. First Lieutenant, David Oliphant, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Myron Hickey, Davisburg. Second Lieutenant, Robert A. Haire, Georgetown. C. Captain, George W. Hunt, Detroit. First Lieutenant, Horace W. Dodge, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Jacob Bristol, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Edward G. Granger, Detroit. D. Captain, Eli K. Simonds, Northville. First Lieutenant, George S. Wheeler, Green Oak. Second Lieutenant, Thomas J. Dean, Northville. Second Lieutenant, Henry Hitchcock, Lyons. E. Captain, Crawley P. Dake, Armada. First Lieutenant, Edward M. Lee, Port Huron. Second Lieutenant, William H. Rolls, Trenton. Second Lieutenant, George R. Barse, Detroit. F. Captain, Noah H. Ferry, Grand Haven. First Lieutenant, Abram C. Vanderburgh, Port Huron. Second Lieutenant, William Keith, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Elmer C. Dicey, White Pigeon. G. Captain, William T. Magoffin, Bingham. First Lieutenant, Stephen B. Mann, Palmyra. Second Lieutenant, George W. Townsend, Green Bush. Second Lieutenant, John Gunderman, Essex. H. Captain, Stephen P. Purdy, Detroit. First Lieutenant, Henry Starkey, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Edgar W. Flint, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Henry K. Foote, Detroit. I. Captain, William B. Williams, Allegan. First Lieutenant, George N. Dutcher, Saugatuck. Second Lieutenant, Charles H. Safford, Detroit. Second Lieutenant, Henry H. Finley, Detroit. K. Captain, John E. Clark, Ann Arbor. First Lieutenant, Henry H. Petee, Flint. Second Lieutenant, Hobart Miller, Detroit. Second lieutenant, William O. North, Lapeer. L. Captain, Robert F. Judson, Kalamazoo. First Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Axtell, Kalamazoo. Second Lieutenant, David G. Kendall, Kalamazoo. Second Lieutenant, Robert C. Wallace, Detroit. M. Captain, Frederick A. Copeland, Pontiac. First Lieutenant, Smith H. Hastings, Coldwater. Second Lieutenant, Andrew D. Hall, Quincy. Second Lieutenant, George Fairbrother, Detroit. Soon after the arrival of the regiment at Washington it was assigned to the Michigan Cavalry Brigade, composed of the First, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Michigan Cavalry, and these regiments served together during the war. Colonel Copeland was commissioned Brigadier General Nov. 29, 1862, and was in command of the brigade when General Lee crossed the Potomac on his northern campaign. June 27 the Fifth and Sixth Cavalry, under command of General Copeland, started on a reconnoisance through Pennsylvania to find General Lee’s army and gather any information possible that would be of interest to General Hooker, who at that time was the union commander. The Fifth on the afternoon of the 28th entered the town of Gettysburg and learned that a part of General Lee’s forces had passed through the place on their way to York, Pa. The corps of Generals Early and Longstreet were located and couriers were sent to inform General Hooker of the situation at Gettysburg. Just at this time General Hooker was superseded by General Meade and General Custer was assigned to the command of the Michigan Brigade and General Kilpatrick was assigned to command the Cavalry Division. Russell A. Alger was commissioned Colonel of the Fifth Feb. 28, 1863. The brigade met the confederate General J. E. B. Stuart’s cavalry June 30, near Hanover, Pa., and drove them back in a spirited charge, afterwards dismounting and fighting on foot. The Fifth lost severely, but accomplished the purpose to which it was assigned. July 3 the Fifth, with the Michigan Brigade, had one of the severest cavalry engagements of the war with General Stuart’s forces. The confederate general had marched to the right and rear of the union army at the battle of Gettysburg and was a serious menace to the Union troops and the reserve artillery, but the Michigan Brigade realized the critical situation and by their determined gallantry won a decisive victory in repelling General Stuart’s attack, driving him back so he could no longer threaten the rear of the Union lines. It is not too much to say that had not the Union cavalry repulsed General Stuart, that a disaster would have befallen the army of General Meade that might have changed the fate of that day. The next day the Fifth started to intercept General Lee’s army that was in full retreat upon Williamsport. The Fifth charged across a bridge on the side of the mountain leading to Williamsport, where the enemy’s wagon train was passing, and with the brigade captured 1,500 prisoners and destroyed a large wagon train. On July 8 the Fifth met the enemy near Boonsboro, where the regiment was dismounted and charged the confederates, who were behind stone walls, but the charge of the Fifth was so impetuous that the confederates were driven in confusion to the rear. In this action Colonel Alger was severely wounded and carried from the field and was not able to take command of the regiment again until September. Major C. P. Dake assumed command of the Fifth after Colonel Alger and Lieutenant Colonel Gould were wounded and the regiment took an active part in the engagement at Falling Waters, Md., where the confederates were put to flight by the gallant charges of the Michigan men. The Fifth returned to Virginia after General Lee had crossed the Potomac and in September was at Culpepper Court House, Raccoon Ford, White’s Ford and the 26th was at Jack’s Shop. General Kilpatrick’s Cavalry Division was at James City, where it was attacked Oct. 9 by confederate infantry, artillery and cavalry, and fell back before such superior numbers to Brandy Station. Here he found the confederate cavalry under General Fitz Hugh Lee drawn up in line to dispute his further progress. General Custer, commanding the Michigan Brigade, asked for and obtained permission to attempt to break the enemy’s lines, now completely enveloping the Union forces. Placing the Fifth and First Michigan in advance, supported by the other two regiments of the brigade, he ordered his band to the front and directed them to play “Yankee Doodle.” As the strains of the familiar tune floated out upon the ears of the troopers they drew sabers and, by order of General Custer, dashed forward at head-long gallop and drove the enemy from the front. The Fifth had a severe engagement with the enemy at Buckland’s Mills, Va., Oct. 19, where it first fought on foot and then in a mounted charge drove the enemy pell mell for two miles. In February, 1864, a cavalry force of 5,000, under command of General Kilpatrick, started from Stevensburg, Va., for a daring raid upon Richmond. The well mounted men of each regiment of the Michigan Brigade formed a part of this force. The command started Feb. 28 and crossed the Rapidan at Ely’s Ford and, marching by way of Spottsylvania, soon reached the Virginia railroad, which was destroyed, as well as all other public property in the vicinity. General Kilpatrick with his main force moved upon Ashland and was then to attack Richmond by way of the Brook turnpike. But the confederates learned that a Union cavalry force was advancing upon the city and troops were sent at once to repel the attack. Kilpatrick’s men rode over the outer works of Richmond, but the inner lines were too strongly guarded with artillery for his mounted command to force. He reluctantly withdrew his troopers and started by way of Louisa Court House to join the Union lines, which he eventually reached in safety. The Michigan Cavalry Brigade started on the Wilderness campaign in May, 1864, with the army of the Potomac, which ended in the siege of Petersburg. The Fifth crossed the Rapidan at Ely’s Ford and moved to Chancellorsville. It was soon engaged in the terrible battle of the Wilderness on the Brock road. The command moved by the way of Todd’s Tavern to Beaver Dam Station, fighting the enemy the whole way, and at the station destroyed supplies for the confederate army estimated in value at several million dollars. The command crossed the South Anna at Ground Squirrel Bridge and on the 11th met the confederate forces under General J. E. B. Stuart and a severe cavalry engagement ensued. Here the enemy was routed and met with a disaster in the death of the confederate leader General Stuart from which the cavalry of the confederacy never recovered. It is believed that he received his death wound from Private John A. Huff of company E of the Fifth Cavalry, who was afterwards mortally wounded at Hawes’ Shop. May 15 the command marched to Bottom’s Bridge and reached Malvern Hill the 14th, where it opened communications with General Butler. After a series of engagements the command again joined the army of the Potomac May 25. The next day it started in conjunction with the army of the Potomac and on the 28th met the enemy at Hawes’ Shop, where the Fifth was dismounted, as the country was too wooded to successfully maneuver cavalry, and, with the other regiments of the brigade, charged the enemy and a desperate hand to hand encounter took place. The losses here in the brigade were greater than in any other battle in which it was engaged, testifying to the severity of the conflict. The Union men finally drove the confederates from their works and were masters of the field. In July, 1864, the Michigan brigade was ordered to the Shenandoah valley, where it took part in all the brilliant engagements that resulted in driving the confederate forces under General Early from the valley and securing that important vantage ground so it was never occupied again by confederate troops during the war. Two battle flags were captured by the Fifth at Opequan and the regiment did gallant service at Winchester, Luray, Port Republic, Mt. Crawford, Woodstock, Cedar Creek, Newton and Madison Court House. The Fifth was with General Sheridan when the Union forces moved in the direction of Gordonsville and Richmond and drove General Rosser from Louisa Court House, where a large amount of property was destroyed, together with the depot and railroad and acqueducts on the line of the James river canal, seriously interfering with General Lee’s sources of supplies. The command returned to the army in time to participate in the movement around Petersburg, fighting desperately at Five Forks, also at the South Side railroad, Duck’s Pond, Sailor’s Creek and Appomattox. After the surrender of General Lee the Fifth marched to Washington, where it took part in the grand review, May 23. The Fifth, with parts of the other regiments of the brigade, were then ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where detachments were sent on various expeditions against the Indians, and in September the brigade was consolidated by muster out of part of the officers and men and the balance formed into the “First Michigan Veteran Cavalry.” The order sending this brigade to the far West after its long and gallant service in the East was considered an unjust act and a long and acuminous correspondence between Governor Crapo of Michigan and the War Department ensued. Only partial justice was done these men by an act of Congress passing an appropriation to repay them for being mustered out in Utah with no way of returning across the plains except on foot or by wagon train. A mere outline of the campaigns of a regiment like the Fifth can give no adequate idea of the marches, hardships and fighting endured by such a command and only a detailed and daily account of its marches, reconnoisances, scouts and battles can furnish a comprehensive history of its officers and men. That this volume is compiled primarily to give the individual military history of each member of the regiment is the apology for the abridged account of the movements of the regiment. During the service of the Fifth with the brigade it had been engaged with the enemy at Hanover, Pa., June 30, 1863; Hunterstown, Pa., July 2, 1863; Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863; Monterey, Md., July 4, 1863; Cavetown, Md., July 5, 1863; Smithtown, Md., July 6, 1863; Boonsborough, Md., July 6, 1863; Hagerstown, Md., July 6, 1863; Williamsport, Md., July 6, 1863; Boonsborough, Md., July 8, 1863; Hagerstown, Md., July 10, 1863; Williamsport, Md., July 10, 1863; Falling Waters, Md., July 14, 1863; Snicker’s Gap, Va., July 19, 1863; Kelley’s Ford, Va., Sept. 13, 1863; Culpepper Court House, Va., Sept. 14, 1863; Raccoon Ford, Va., Sept. 16, 1863; White’s Ford, Va., Sept. 21, 1863; Jack’s Shop, Va., Sept. 26, 1863; James City, Va., Oct. 9, 10, 1863; Brandy Station, Va., Oct. 11, 1863; Buckland’s Mills, Va., Oct. 19, 1863; Stevensburg, Va., Nov. 19, 1863; Morton’s Ford, Va., Nov. 26, 1863; Richmond, Va., March 1, 1864; Wilderness, Va., May 6, 7, 1864; Beaver Dam Station, Va., May 9, 1864; Yellow Tavern, Va., May 10, 11, 1864; Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, 1864; Milford, Va., May 27, 1864; Hawe’s Shop, Va., May 28, 1864; Baltimore Cross Roads, Va., May 29, 1864; Cold Harbor, Va., May 30 and June 1, 1864; Trevillian Station, Va., June 11, 12, 1864; Cold Harbor, Va., July 21, 1864; Winchester, Va., Aug. 11, 1864; Front Royal, Va., Aug. 16, 1864; Leetown, Va., Aug. 25, 1864; Shepardstown, Va., Aug. 25, 1864; Smithfield, Va., Aug. 29, 1864; Berryville, Va., Sept. 3, 1864; Summit, Va., Sept. 4, 1864; Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; Luray, Va., Sept. 24, 1864; Port Republic, Va., July 26, 27, 28, 1864; Mount Crawford, Va., Oct. 2, 1864; Woodstock, Va., Oct. 9, 1864; Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864; Madison Court House, Va., Dec. 24, 1864; Louisa Court House, Va., March 8, 1865; Five Forks, Va., March 30, 31 and April 1, 1865; South Side R. R., Va., April 2, 1865; Duck Pond Mills, Va., April 4, 1865; Ridge’s or Sailor’s Creek, Va., April 6, 1865; Appomattox Court House, Va., April 8, 9, 1865; Willow Springs, Dakota, Territory, Aug. 12, 1865. Total enrollment…………………………………….1866 Number killed in action……………………………….101 Number died of wounds………………………………….24 Number died while prisoners of war………………………69 Number died of disease………………………………..109 Number discharged for disability……………………….196 Source: Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers 1861-65
7th MI Cavalry
Organized: Grand Rapids, MI on 1/16/1863
Mustered out: 12/15/1865
MICHIGAN Seventh Cavalry. (Three Years) The Seventh Michigan Cavalry was organized at Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the summer and fall of 1862, it being one of the Cavalry regiments which the Secretary of War authorized the Honorable F. W. Kellogg to recruit at that time. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel, William D. Mann, Detroit. Lieutenant Colonel, Allyn C. Litchfield, Blendon. Majors, John S. Huston, Lyons; George K. Newcomb, Owosso, and Henry W. Granger, Grand Rapids. Surgeon, William Upjohn, Hastings. Assistant Surgeon, Adna Sherman, Lamont. Adjutant, Duane Doty, Ann Arbor. Quartermaster, Farnham Lyon, Grand Rapids. Commissary, James W. Bentley, Hastings. A. Captain, Alexander Walker, Niles. First Lieutenant, George G. Briggs, Battle Creek. Second Lieutenant, James G. Birney, Bay City. Second Lieutenant, Charles Lyon, Grand Rapids. B. Captain, Lynus F. Warner, Royalton. First Lieutenant, Elliott Gray, Tecumseh. Second Lieutenant, James C. Boughton, St. Joseph. Second Lieutenant, George W. Stoneburner, Grand Rapids. C. Captain, Daniel H. Darling, East Saginaw. First Lieutenant, Bradley M. Thompson, East Saginaw. Second Lieutenant, Robert Sproul, Birch Run. Second Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. D. Captain, George A. Armstrong, Eaton Rapids. First Lieutenant, John Q. A. Sessions, Charlotte. Second Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. Second Lieutenant, Henry M. Nevins, Grand Rapids. E. Captain, Wellington Willetts, Detroit. First Lieutenant, John A. Clark, Stockbridge. Second Lieutenant, Roswell H. Holmes, Detroit. F. Captain, Stephen B. Mann, Palmyra. First Lieutenant, James L. Carpenter, Scipio. Second Lieutenant, Winchester T. Dodge, Orange. G. Captain, Bradley M. Thompson, East Saginaw. First Lieutenant, Joseph J. Newman, Owosso. Second Lieutenant, George W. Hill, Detroit. H. Captain, Richard Douglas, Ross. First Lieutenant, David Sergeant, Kalamazoo. Second Lieutenant, John J. Hicks, Charleston. I. Captain, Hugh Richards, Tecumseh. First Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. Second Lieutenant, Myron H. Ellis, Ypsilanti. K. Captain, Herman N. Moore, Grand Rapids. First Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. Second Lieutenant, Hiram J. Ingersoll, Scipio. L. Captain, William H. Clipperton, East Saginaw. First Lieutenant, Joseph L. Mead, East Saginaw. Second Lieutenant, Samuel B. Carll, Port Huron. M. Captain, Robert Sproul, Birch Run. First Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. Second Lieutenant, —- —-, —-. On the fourth of November, W. D. Mann, who had been commissioned as Colonel of the regiment, arrived and took command. On Jan. 27th, 1863, the last contingent of the ten companies was mustered in and on Feb. 20, 1863, the horses of the first five companies, with a detail of twenty men, followed on the 21st by the horses of the other five companies, and on the 22d by the main body of the regiment, proceeded to Washington. It reached Washington on Feb. 27 and was encamped on what was known as Meridian Hill. The weather was extremely severe and the men of the regiment had the first taste of the hardships of field service at this point. The regiment remained there for about a month, and on the 26th of March proceeded across the river over Long Bridge and marched out to Fairfax Court House. Here the regiment was united with the Fifth and Sixth Michigan Cavalry, into a brigade, under command of General Copeland, which was assigned to General Stahl’s Cavalry Division, Department of Washington. The regiment remained on picket and scout duty at Fairfax Court House for several days and on the 14th of April marched to Opequan, where it remained on light duty until the 25th of April, when it moved to Bristow Station and remained there until the 5th of May, when it encamped at the place called Kettle Run. Sunday, May 3, Mosby captured the outposts of the First Virginia Cavalry at Warrentown Junction, but was driven off by the Fifth New York Cavalry and the prisoners released. The Seventh was hurried to the scene of the encounter but did not arrive in time to participate. From that time until the 24th of June, 1863, the regiment was engaged in scout duty and in guarding the Orange and Alexandria railroad, which was the line of supplies for the Army of the Potomac. While thus engaged it had several skirmishes with Mosby’s men. In one of these actions near Catlett’s Station, where Mosby had destroyed a train of cars, two small brass pieces were captured by the commands engaged and several of the Seventh’s men were injured and quite a number of prisoners were taken from the enemy. On June 24, 1863, the brigade left Fairfax Court House, Va., and marched north with the Army of the Potomac to repel Lee’s invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. They proceeded by the way of Dranesville, the Potomac being crossed at Edward’s Ferry. On the 26th Frederick, Md., was reached, and on the 27th the march was resumed up the Cotoctin Valley in the direction of Gettysburg. From this time to the 29th it was engaged in scouting in that vicinity. On the 29th General Kilpatrick superseded Stahl as division commander and General Custer superseded Copeland as Brigade Commander, and the First Michigan Cavalry was assigned to the brigade. On the 30th of June the regiment participated in an engagement at Hanover, Pa., where the brigade was united in order to oppose the attempt of General Stewart to effect a junction with General Lee’s army. In this engagement a portion of the regiment supported a battery and another portion was on the skirmish line. The first battle flag of the enemy captured by the regiment was taken in this action. On the night of the 2d of July the regiment was engaged until midnight at Hunterstown, Pa. On the 3d of July, 1863, the regiment, with others of the brigade, was at Gettysburg, and on the extreme right of the Union army and engaged the entire day. Most of the time until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon it was supporting Battery M, Second U. S. Artillery. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon Stewart’s men were seen to be advancing in force against the Union skirmish line and the Seventh was ordered to charge upon the approaching line of the enemy, which it did in splendid order in column of companies. At this point one of the most notable cavalry engagements of the Civil war took place, and of the part taken by the Seventh and the First Michigan Cavalry, which came to its support, the celebrated Captain Charles King, U. S. A., has said: “Virginia’s beautiful division of cavalry, plumed, stately, superb, rides forth from the screening forest to overwhelm the Union ranks. Oh, well for Gregg and his gallant few in the worn old Second Division–well for the hard-used Army of the Potomac–well for the cause of freedom and union is it that Custer and the Wolverines are still there.” And after describing the charge he says: “What soldier lives who does not envy Michigan that day? It was the cavalry combat of the war.” In this engagement out of the 401 officers and men engaged the regiment lost 13 killed, four officers and 48 men wounded and 39 missing. This shows a greater loss and a much larger per cent of loss than that of any other cavalry regiment in this battle. On the morning of the fourth the regiment proceeded with the command to follow up Lee’s retreating army, and on the night of the fourth, while marching through Monterey Pass, they were met by a volley of cannister shot from two pieces of artillery in the road. These were promptly charged upon and taken by the Seventh, and the brigade captured many prisoners and some 400 wagons of the enemy. It was again engaged at Smithburg July 5, at Hagerstown July 6, and the same day at Williamsport. At Hagerstown Major Newcomb with his batallion advanced under heavy fire and drove the enemy before it. On the 12th of July the regiment was again in action at Hagerstown, and at Falling Waters July 14, where it captured a ten-pound Parrot gun from the enemy. In this action one part of the command of seventy sabers charged upon a line of infantry and took 400 prisoners with the battle flag of the Fifty-fifth Virginia. After a few days of much needed rest the regiment again crossed the Potomac into Virginia and participated in engagements at Snicker’s Gap, July 19; Kelly’s Ford, Sept. 13; Culpepper Court House, Sept. 14; Raccoon Ford, Sept. 16; White’s Ford, Sept. 21, and Jack’s Shop, Sept. 26. When the Army of the Potomac fell back from the Rapidan the enemy was met by the regiment near James City and on the 10th of October it participated in the battle of Brandy Station, where Buford’s and Kilpatrick’s divisions were surrounded by the rebel infantry and cavalry. The Michigan brigade, of which the Seventh formed a part, charged through and cleared the river front of the enemy, so that the whole command was withdrawn in good order. From the 11th to the 19th the regiment was guarding the flank and rear of the army. On the 19th of October it participated in a severe engagement at Buckland Mills, Va., with the enemy’s infantry and cavalry. After that the enemy fell back toward the Rapidan and was not again encountered by the regiment until the 19th of November, at Stevensburg, and on the 26th of November, at Morton’s Ford. At Stevensburg the regiment went into winter quarters and during the winter was engaged in picket duty on the advance line along the Rapidan river in the vicinity of Morton’s Ford. While encamped here, the exact date of which the writer does not recall, the regiment participated in a grand review, by General Pleasanton, of the entire cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac, which was held on a plain south of Stevensburg and near the camp of the Michigan brigade. The cavalry made a magnificent appearance on the occasion and excited the admiration of all who beheld the review. New Year, 1864, will be remembered as one of the most bitter cold days ever experienced in this country, and the boys in their winter quarters were exposed to all the rigors of this unusual day and night. Colonel W. D. Mann resigned on March 1, 1864, and Lieutenant Colonel Litchfield assumed command of the regiment. On the 28th of February 100 picked men and horses of the regiment, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Litchfield, left camp at Stevensburg and united with General Kilpatrick on the now famous raid to Richmond, Va. The portion of the regiment which accompanied General Kilpatrick had a very severe experience; Colonel Litchfield, among others, being captured near Richmond. Those of the command who escaped injury or capture made their way back with the balance of the division to Yorktown, arriving there March 4, and thence proceeded by transports and easy marches via Alexandria to Stevensburg. The first of April General Kilpatrick was ordered west, General Torbert taking command of the division. Toward the latter part of April, while the regiment was assembled, dismounted, upon the parade ground for dress parade and inspection, the Provost Marshal stole into the camp and seized and took away a number of horses from each company. When the men returned and found what had happened they were so exasperated that it seemed as though it were impossible to prevent a mutiny. The men seized their arms and insisted that they would retake the horses at any price. After much persuasion better counsel prevailed and the commanding officer and adjutant managed to get the animals returned to the commands. About the first of May there was a division review on the hills over-looking Culpepper. Wednesday, May 4, 1864, tents were struck and the regiment was headed for the Rapidan. At Stony Mountain the men received Spencer repeating carbines in place of their old Burnsides. On the morning of the 6th of May, about daylight, the regiment participated in a lively engagement in the Wilderness, near the intersection of the Furnace Road and Brock’s Pike. At this point the regiment was engaged all day. At daylight on the morning of the seventh the regiment was again on the battle ground of the preceding day, contending with the enemy until the middle of the afternoon, when the enemy were driven from the field. At Beaver Dam Station on May 9 an immense amount of supplies were captured and destroyed, together with two railroad trains. About 400 of our men, under rebel escort to Richmond, were recaptured by the brigade. On the tenth the regiment was engaged all day in destroying railroads. At dawn of the eleventh it was skirmishing with the enemy. On that day an engagement, at the intersection of the Telegraph Road with the Brock Pike, was opened by Stuart and continued all day, the regiment participating in several charges. In one of these charges Major Granger was killed and a number of men and officers of the regiment were killed or captured. It was in this charge, and by one of the Seventh, no doubt, that the famous Confederate cavalry leader General J. E. B. Stuart was killed by a pistol shot. On the 12th of May the regiment had several engagements at Meadow Bridge, on the Chickahominy, where it forced a crossing and routed the enemy with a heavy loss. Thence it proceeded to Malvern Hill and then retraced its steps to form a junction with the Army of the Potomac. On the 25th day of May the regiment rejoined the Army of the Potomac. On the 26th day of May the regiment was again engaged at Darney’s Ferry, and on the same day the Seventh made a saber charge at Crump’s Creek, driving the enemy before them for three miles. On the 28th it was again engaged at Hawes’ Shop, the Seventh being exposed to a severe fire. On the 30th of May the Seventh and First Michigan were engaged in a hard fight with the enemy at Old Church, completely routing the rebels. On the 31st of May the regiment participated in an engagement at Cold Harbor. On the morning of June 1st it was attacked by superior forces of the enemy’s infantry, which was repulsed with great slaughter. Here the cavalry retained the position, which was of great strategic importance, against Kershaw’s and Hoke’s rebel infantry, until relieved by the Sixth Corps. At dawn on the 11th of June the Seventh was attacked at Louisa Court House by Wickham’s brigade of cavalry, but, being supported by the First Michigan Cavalry, the Seventh maintained its ground. Thence the regiment marched to Trevillian Station. Here for the greater part of two days it and the other cavalry regiments of Custer’s, Merritt’s and Devin’s brigades were engaged in one of the most desperate cavalry combats of the war, against Hampton’s and Fitzhugh Lee’s commands. In this engagement the Seventh made a number of saber charges, driving the enemy before them. Throughout the melee there was charge and counter charge, field guns were captured and re-captured on both sides, and prisoners were taken and retaken again and again. At last, by the timely arrival of Gregg’s division, the enemy was routed and about 500 prisoners were captured in the flight of the enemy. To further illustrate the desperate nature of this encounter, it may be said that here one-half of Custer’s staff and guard had been killed or wounded. On the 25th of June the regiment had reached the vicinity of the pontoon bridge over the James river at Deep Bottom, where it remained until the 28th, and thence crossed to the south side. On the 30th it had advanced to Reams’ Station. This movement was for the relief of Wilson’s division of cavalry that had been severing railroad communications west and south of Petersburg. The regiment then returned to Light House Point and remained there from the 2d to the 26th of July, 1864. On the 26th of July it recrossed to the north bank of the James river and engaged the enemy on the 27th, on the New Market Road. Here the regiment dismounted and, with other cavalry, taking advantageous positions, repulsed a large infantry force of the enemy, and then by a charge the regiment recaptured 250 prisoners and two battle flags. On the morning of July 30 the regiment again recrossed to the south side of the James river and proceeded to Prince George’s Court House. On the first of August, General Sheridan being relieved of the command of the cavalry corps and ordered to the Shenandoah Valley, the First Cavalry Division, of which the Seventh formed a part, was detached with him and embarked on transports at City Point for Washington; thence it proceeded on the 5th of August to Harper’s Ferry, reaching Halltown on Harper’s Ferry Pike, on the 10th of August. From the 10th to the 16th of August it was moving about the country in the vicinity of Winchester, several times coming into collision with the enemy. On the 16th of August, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Brewer, the regiment was engaged in action at Front Royal, charging a whole brigade of rebel cavalry, completely routing it and capturing 100 prisoners with a large number of horses and arms. On the 21st, at Berryville, the regiment repulsed a determined attack of the enemy. From that time to the 25th it was engaged in scouting, picketing and light skirmishing. On the 25th the rebel cavalry was encountered near Kerneysville and driven back upon their infantry near Leetown. While doing this Custer’s brigade became separated from the rest of the division and was enveloped by two divisions of rebel infantry and after desperate fighting, in which the Seventh came in for a full share, the brigade extricated itself by crossing to the north side of the Potomac. The regiment was again engaged by the enemy on the 29th of August, Lieutenant Mead being killed in the engagement. On the 19th of September was fought the battle of Opequan, or Winchester. From about 2 o’clock in the morning the Seventh led the advance of the army and after an attempt of the Twenty- fifth New York Cavalry had been repulsed, it charged across the river and captured the rifle pits upon the hills on the opposite banks. In the afternoon the enemy fled precipitately, the regiment being engaged until after dark, making many mounted charges during the day and capturing large numbers of prisoners, many cannon and small arms. In the final charge fell Lieutenant Colonel Brewer, commander of the regiment. He was a gallant officer, known and respected by every man under his command. On the 26th of September the regiment was engaged at Port Republic, and again on the 27th and 28th. The regiment remained in the vicinity of Port Republic until October 2d, when it had a brush with the enemy at Mt. Crawford. On the 6th of October the cavalry moved back to Strasburg, the whole valley being laid waste, the cavalry stretching across the country from the Blue Ridge to the Alleghanies. On the 8th of October, at Tom’s Brook, the enemy was completely routed in an engagement participated in by the Seventh, the enemy being pursued twenty-six miles. All his artillery, ambulances and wagons were captured, together with 300 prisoners. This was called “Woodstock races.” On the night of the 18th of October the Seventh was picketing the front of the brigade on the right of the Army of the Shenandoah, joining on the left with the infantry pickets. Early in the morning of the 19th, before dawn, the regiment was aroused by the firing of a volley of musketry and it was found that the enemy had succeeded in capturing the picket and getting through the lines of the infantry, and immediately the battle of Cedar Creek began. The cavalry and the old Sixth Corps held its line and when Sheridan arrived on the scene it was in perfect order of battle, ready and waiting for orders to move. General Sheridan immediately gave the order to advance. In this advance the Michigan brigade came into collision with Kershaw’s infantry, which was dispersed, one stand of colors and a large number of prisoners being captured. On that day the Seventh captured more prisoners than it had troopers in its ranks. Darkness alone prevented the destruction of Early’s army. On the 11th of November the Seventh was again engaged with Early’s army at Cedar Creek. On the 14th and 15th of November it was engaged in a reconnoissance to Mt. Jackson. On the 28th of November it marched with a division into and laid waste Loudon valley. On the 19th of December the regiment participated in an expedition to Charlottsville and Gordonsville to wreck the railroads. From day to day there was more or less skirmishing and a lively engagement at Liberty Mills on the Rapidan. On the 27th of February, 1865, General Devin was assigned to command of the division, Colonel Briggs in command of the regiment. March 1st, 1865, Rosser was encountered at Mt. Crawford and defeated. On the 2d, at Waynesboro, Early’s force was met and, except a few officers and men with Early himself, was captured, after a sharp engagement. On March 3, en route to Charlottsville, some cavalry and artillery were captured. At Charlottsville the regiment was assigned to quarters in and about the residences formerly occupied by officers and professors of the University of Virginia. Here they remained until about the 5th of March, when they proceeded to Scottsville, on the James river, where the regiment captured a few canal boats loaded with supplies for Richmond. On the 11th of March the regiment moved to Louisa Court House and assisted in destroying the Virginia Central Railroad to Frederick’s Hall, and on the 12th, 13th and 14th it engaged in light service about Hanover Junction and Ashland. On the 18th of March it arrived at White House Landing. On the 25th of March it proceeded to Harrison’s Landing, and on the 26th to City Point. On the 27th to Hancock Station. March 30 the regiment found the enemy in force on the White Oak Road near Five Forks. At this point the regiment numbered less than 300 men. After being in the saddle all night it was ordered to support the Sixth Pennsylvania and Second U. S. Cavalry. These regiments were in retreat, the enemy charging upon them. The Seventh, in column of squadrons, sabres drawn, moved forward in a counter charge and soon routed the enemy. Those who were not captured sought safety in flight behind fortifications three miles away. For the part the regiment took in this action it received the compliments of the commanding general. March 31st it had a sharp engagement at the intersection of the Dinwiddie and Five Forks Roads. On the first of April it was again engaged with Pickett’s infantry near Five Forks, participating in the battle of that name and taking a prominent part in the final charge, capturing many prisoners and pursuing the enemy until after dark. On the 2d and 3d of April the regiment was on the march picking up prisoners and wagons and five pieces of artillery. On the 4th of April it skirmished with the enemy and made many captures on the way to Amelia Court House and Jettersville. On the 6th of April it proceeded to Rice Station and the brigade, interposing between the head of Gordon’s and the rear of Ewell’s rebel infantry columns, completely isolated Ewell’s. This resulted in the battle of Sailor’s Creek, in which the regiment participated and in which the whole of Ewell’s corps was captured. On the 8th the regiment proceeded to Prospect Station and thence toward Appomattox Depot, where it had a spirited brush with the rebels, capturing much property and ammunition. After standing “to horse” all night in open order of column by squadrons, about 4 o’clock on the morning of the 9th, in the gray of dawn, a line of the enemy’s skirmishers was discovered advancing. The Seventh was deployed and soon hotly engaged. Its Spencer carbines soon checked the enemy. About 9 o’clock in the morning the regiment was relieved by the Twenty-fourth Corps and ordered to the right. As it moved off in column of fours through the open woods and marched into the clearing, Lee’s whole army, deployed for action, came into view and the regiment bugles were sounding the charge. At this juncture several horsemen emerged from the woods of the enemy’s line, waving a signal of truce. Colonel Briggs demanded their mission and was informed that they bore proposals for a suspension of hostilities and wished to communicate with the general commanding. Accompanied by Captain Fisher of the Seventh, they were conducted to General Custer, who insisted that they should return and get some assurances that it was not a mere ruse for delay. They retraced their steps, accompanied by Colonel Briggs of the Seventh, to Generals Longstreet and Gordon, who gave the necessary assurance. The armistice followed which resulted in the surrender of Lee’s army and the termination of the operations of the regiment in the Civil war. Gerry’s South Carolina cavalry failed to keep the armistice, whereupon the Seventh charged upon them and put a quietus upon them in short order. With the brigade the regiment participated in the grand review at Washington on the 23d of May, 1865. After a short stay in Washington the brigade was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and thence the command marched across the plains to the Rocky Mountains to quell the Indian disturbances in that wide section. Those men of the regiment whose term of service expired before February, 1866, were mustered out Dec. 15, 1865. The others were transferred into the First Michigan Veteran Cavalry and retained in the service in Utah until March 10, 1866.
7th Regiment, Michigan Cavalry
Organized at Grand Rapids, Mich., October, 1862, to June, 1863. 1st Battalion left State for Washington, D. C., February 20, 1863. Balance of Regiment May, 1863. Attached to Provisional Cavalry Brigade, Casey’s Division, Defences of Washington, 22nd Army Corp., to April, 1863. 1st Brigade, Stahel’s Cavalry Division, 22nd Army Corps, Dept. of Washington, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac and Middle Military Division, to June, 1865. District of the Plains, Dept. of Missouri, to September, 1865. District of Dakota to December, 1865.
Duty in the Defences of Washington, D. C., till June, 1863. Action at Thoroughfare Gap, Va., May 21, 1863. Greenwich May 30. Expedition up the Catoctin Valley June 27-28. Occupation of Gettysburg, Pa., June 28. Hanover, Pa., June 30. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Hunterstown July 2. Monterey July 4. Smithburg July 5. Williamsport and Hagerstown July 6. Boonsboro July 8. Hagerstown July 11-13. Falling Waters July 14. Snicker’s Gap July 19. Expedition from Warrenton Junction, between Bull Run and Blue Ridge Mountains, August 1-8. Hartwood Church August 15. King George Court House August 24. Expedition to Port Conway September 1-3. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Raccoon Ford September 14-16. Raccoon Ford September 17. Reconnoissance across the Rapidan September 21-23. White’s Ford September 21-22. Orange Court House September 22. Bristoe Campaign October 8-22. Robertson’s River October 8. Jams City October 8-10. Bethesda Church October 10. Near Culpeper and Brandy Station October 11. Gainesville October 14. Groveton October 17-18. Gainesville, Catlett’s Station and Buckland’s Mills October 19. Near Falmouth November 6. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Stevensburg November 8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Morton’s Ford November 26. Raccoon Ford November 26-27. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864. Kilpatrick’s Raid on Richmond February 28-March 4. Fortifications of Richmond and Atlee’s March 1. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River May 3-June 24. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7. Todd’s Tavern May 5-6. Brook Road and the Furnaces May 6. Todd’s Tavern May 7-8. Sheridan’s Raid to the James River May 9-24. Beaver Dam Station May 9. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Meadow Bridge and fortifications of Richmond May 12 Malvern Hill May 16. Hanover Court House May 21. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Hanovertown Ferry, Hanovertown and Crump’s Creek May 27. On line of the Totopotomoy May 28-31. Haw’s Shop and Aenon Church May 28. Old Church and Mattadequin Creek May 30. Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, May 21-June 1. Bottom’s Bridge June l. Sheridan’s Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Trevillian Station June 11-12. Newark, or Mallory’s Cross Roads, June 12. Black Creek, or Tunstall’s Station, and White House, or St. Peter’s Church, June 21. Jones’ Bridge June 23. Fort Stevens and along Northern Defences of Washington July 11-12 (Detachment). Demonstration North of the James River July 27-29. Deep Bottom July 27-29. Ordered to Washington, D. C., August. Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 7-November 28. Toll Gate, near White Post, and near Winchester August 11. Cedarville, or Front Royal, August 16. Kearneysville August 23. Kearneysville and Shephardstown August 25. Leetown and Smithfield August 28. Smithfield Crossing of the Opequan September 29. Locke’s Ford, Opequan Creek, September 13. Sevier’s Ford, Opequan, September 15. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher’s Hill September 21. Milford September 22. Luray September 24. Port Republic September 26-28. Mt. Crawford October 2. Salem Church October 6. Luray Valley October 8. Tom’s Brook(“Woodstock Races”) October 8-9. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Edenburg November 7. Near Kernstown November 11. Expedition into Loudoun and Faquier Counties November 28-December 3. Raid to Gordonsville December 19-28. Madison Court House December 21. Liberty Mills December 22. Near Gordonsville December 23. Expedition to Little Fort Valley February 18-17, 1865. Sheridan’s Raid from Winchester to James River February 28-March 25. Occupation of Staunton and action at Waynesboro March 2. Duguidsville March 8. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie Court House March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Scott’s Cross Roads April 2. Tabernacle Church, or Beaver Bend Creek, April 4. Sailor’s Creek April 6. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-27. March to Washington, D. C.; May. Grand Review May 23. Moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, June 1. Powder River Expedition and operations against Indians in District of the Plains and Dakota till December. Regiment mustered out December 15, 1865. Veterans and Recruits transferred to 1st Michigan Cavalry.
Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 81 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 256 Enlisted men by disease. Total 343.
7th Michigan Cavalry Regiment
Active | October 1862 to December 15, 1865 |
Country | United States |
Allegiance | Union |
Branch | Cavalry |
Engagements |
Michigan Cavalry
The 7th Michigan Cavalry Regiment was a cavalry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. It was a part of the famed Michigan Brigade, commanded for a time by Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer.
The 7th Michigan Cavalry was organized at Grand Rapids, Michigan, in October 1862 by William d’Alton Mann, a future prominent Michigan newspaper and magazine publisher. He was later named as the regiment’s colonel.
The regiment was mustered out of service on December 15, 1865.
Total strength and casualties
The regiment suffered 4 officers and 81 enlisted men killed in action or mortally wounded and 2 officers and 256 enlisted men who died of disease, for a total of 343 fatalities.
- Colonel William d’Alton Mann
- Colonel Allyne C. Litchfield