Id’d Civil War Trunk or Valise Stencil and CDV of Lt. Algernon S. Badger Co. G 6th Massachusetts Infantry



Id’d Civil War Trunk or Valise Stencil and CDV of Lt. Algernon S. Badger Co. G 6th Massachusetts Infantry – We have had several Civil War stencils, all constructed of sheet brass and relatively small in size; this stencil is large (8.5” x 1.5”) and constructed of tinned, sheet iron. In large, jeweler-cut, horizontal letters is:


Areas of the original tin finish remain on the stencil; also, a hole was punched, in the period, to allow an attachment tie to run through the stencil. Accompanying the stencil is a Civil War period, from life, Carte de Visite of Lt. Badger, wearing a fatigue jacket; the back mark on the image states:


Photographic Artists



Algernon S. Badger, a 21-year-old, resident of Milton, Mass., enlisted, as a Private, in Co. G of the 6th Massachusetts Infantry, in mid-April, 1861. He would accompany his newly formed regiment to Baltimore, where he, and his fellow soldiers, became enmeshed in the infamous, Baltimore Riot, on April 19, 1861* (see below for more information about that early war incident) – during the course of this riot, the Union Army would sustain the first casualties of the Civil War. After mustering out of the 6th Mass., Badger was commissioned, as a Lieutenant, in the Co. I of the 26th Mass. Infantry; Lt. Badger would transfer again, in November, 1862, to the newly formed, Union 1st Texas Cavalry; in October, 1864, Badger was commissioned into the Field and Staff of the Union 1st Louisiana Cavalry, ultimately mustering out of the service, in December, 1865, at the rank of Brevet Colonel. During his service in various regiments, Col. Badger would participate in numerous engagements; in 1864, Badger sustained a wound at the Battle of False River, in Louisiana, and he was cited for “faithful and meritorious service”, during the Battle of Mobile Bay. The CDV indicates that his rank, when the image was taken, was 1st Lieutenant. After the war, Col. Badger would remain in Louisiana and become appointed to numerous, significant civic positions, to include becoming the Superintendent of Police and Postmaster of the city of New Orleans.

Both the CDV and stencil remain in very good condition. The stencil measures as follows: L – 8.5”; W – 1.5”.

Algernon S. Badger

Residence Milton MA; a 21 year-old Clerk.

Enlisted on 4/16/1861 as a Private.

On 4/22/1861 he mustered into “G” Co. MA 6th Infantry

He was Mustered Out on 8/2/1861 at Boston, MA

On 10/18/1861 he was commissioned into “I” Co. MA 26th Infantry

He was transferred out on 11/11/1862

On 11/11/1862 he transferred into TX 1st Cavalry

(date and method of discharge not given)

On 10/15/1864 he was commissioned into Field & Staff LA 1st Cavalry

He was Mustered Out on 12/18/1865


* 2nd Lieut 9/13/1861 (As of Co. I 26th MA Inf)

* 1st Lieut 4/11/1862

* Lt Colonel 10/15/1864 (As of 1st LA Cav)

* Colonel 3/26/1865 by Brevet

Intra Regimental Company Transfers:

* 4/11/1862 from company I to company E (As of 26th MA Inf)

6th MA Infantry
( 3-mos )

Organized: Boston, MA on 4/15/61
Mustered Out: 8/2/61 at Boston, MAOfficers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0
Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0
Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 4
Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0
(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)



     The 6th Regt. Mass. Vol. Mill, “Minute Men,” was summoned

to Boston by Special Order No. 14, issued on the afternoon of

April 15, 1861, from the office of the Adjutant General of

Massachusetts.  At 7 o’clock on the evening of the 17th the

regiment, fully armed and equipped, entrained for Washington.

While passing through Baltimore, Md., April 19, a detachment

of four companies, C, D, I, and L, under Captain Albert S.

Follansbee, was set upon by a mob, and in the street fighting

which followed four members of the detachment were killed and

thirty-six wounded, the first soldiers to fall in the Civil


This regiment was the first to arrive in Washington

completely uniformed and equipped for service.  It was at

first quartered in the Senate Chamber in the Capitol.

Mustered into the service April 22, it was soon transferred to

the Relay House near Baltimore.  In the occupation of

Baltimore and in doing guard duty at or near the Relay House

the regiment was occupied until July 29, when it entrained for

Massachusetts.  Reaching Boston on the 1st of August, on the

following day it was mustered out of the service.

6th Massachusetts Militia Regiment

6th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia
During the Baltimore Riot, the 6th Massachusetts became the first Union unit to take casualties in action on April 19, 1861.
Active April–August 1861
August 1862 – June 1863
July–October 1864
Country  United States
Allegiance Union
Branch Union Army
Type Infantry
Part of In 1863: 2nd Brigade (Foster’s), 1st Division (Corcoran’s), VII Corps
Col. Edward F. Jones
VII Corps, 1st Division badge


Massachusetts U.S. Volunteer Militia Regiments 1861-1865
Previous Next
5th Massachusetts Militia Regiment 7th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment

The 6th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia was a peacetime infantry regiment that was activated for federal service in the Union army for three separate terms during the American Civil War (1861-1865). The regiment gained notoriety as the first unit in the Union Army to suffer fatal casualties in action during the Civil War in the Baltimore Riot and the first militia unit to arrive in Washington D.C., in response to President Abraham Lincoln’s initial call for 75,000 troops. Private Luther C. Ladd of the 6th Massachusetts is often referred to as the first Union soldier killed in action during the war.

In the years immediately preceding the war and during its first enlistment, the regiment consisted primarily of companies from Middlesex County. During its first term of service, four out of ten companies of the regiment were from Lowell, MassachusettsColonel Edward F. Jones commanded the regiment during its first term. He later commanded the 26th Massachusetts and was awarded the honorary grade of brevet brigadier general. During its second and third terms of service, the unit was commanded by Colonel Albert S. Follansbee.

The regiment first enlisted for a “90-day” term of service which lasted from April 16 to August 2, 1861. Following their engagement in the Baltimore Riot, the 6th Massachusetts proceeded to Washington and then returned to Baltimore to guard locations within the city as well as the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad station at Elkridge, Maryland. Their second term of service lasted nine months from August 1862 to June 1863. During this time the 6th Massachusetts was attached to the VII Corps and participated in several expeditions and actions in the vicinity of Suffolk, Virginia, most notably the siege of Suffolk and the Battle of Carrsville in April and May 1863. Private Joseph S.G. Sweatt’s bravery at Carrsville earned him the Medal of Honor. The 6th Massachusetts served a third term in response to the call for troops to defend fortifications around Washington. During this term, which lasted 100 days from July to October 1864, the 6th Massachusetts garrisoned Fort C. F. Smith in Arlington, Virginia and guarded Confederate prisoners of war at Fort Delaware near the mouth of the Delaware River.

Earlier units

The 6th Massachusetts regiment that served during the Civil War was formed in 1855 during the reorganization of the Massachusetts militia. Other units dating back to the 18th century were given the designation 6th Regiment Massachusetts Militia.[1] They were formed and disbanded at various times and although they shared the same numerical designation, there was no continuous unit known as the 6th Massachusetts. One of the units designated as the 6th Massachusetts was a regiment that served during King George’s War in the siege of Louisbourg in 1745.[2] During the Revolutionary War, the 6th Massachusetts Regiment was engaged in the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Battle of Harlem Heights, the Battle of Trenton and the Battle of Saratoga.[3]

90-day term of service


The 6th Massachusetts en route to Washington, April 18, 1861

Shortly after South Carolina issued its Declaration of Secession, Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrew anticipated imminent civil war and issued an order on January 16, 1861, to the ten existing Massachusetts units of peacetime militia to immediately reorganize and prepare for active service.[4] Colonel Edward F. Jones was the first militia commander to respond to the Governor’s order. His letter indicating the regiment’s readiness, dated January 21, was brought to Boston and read in the Massachusetts Senate by then state Senator Benjamin F. Butler.[5]

On April 15, 1861, three days after Confederate forces fired on Fort SumterPresident Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers to serve in putting down the insurrection. The call was relayed by Governor Andrew to the existing regiments of Massachusetts militia the same day. Eight companies of the original 6th Massachusetts (one from Acton, one from Groton, two from Lawrence, and four from Lowell) gathered in Lowell on April 16 and proceeded to Boston.[6] That night, the men of the 6th Massachusetts barracked in Faneuil and Boylston Halls.[7] The next morning, April 17, three companies previously belonging to other Massachusetts militia units (one from Boston, one from Stoneham, and another from Worcester) were added to the 6th Massachusetts to form a regiment of 11 companies total. Thus composed entirely of existing volunteer militia companies, the 6th Massachusetts was made up of volunteer soldiers.[8] The regiment proceed that day to the State House, where Governor Andrew presented regimental colors to Colonel Jones. The 6th Massachusetts departed Boston for Washington via railroad at 7 p.m. on April 17.[9]

Baltimore riot

On April 19, 1861, the 6th Massachusetts boarded train cars in Philadelphia in the early morning hours and departed for Washington via Baltimore. Before the end of the day, the regiment saw combat during the Baltimore Riot. The date was the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord which began the American Revolution.[9]

Although Maryland remained in the Union, secessionist sentiment and support for the Confederacy was widespread in that state. Colonel Jones therefore expected a violent reception in Baltimore. He was also concerned about the possibility of sabotage to the tracks on the way to Baltimore which might cause derailment and potentially large casualties for the 6th Massachusetts. Jones ordered that a pilot locomotive precede the train that transported his regiment. The 6th Massachusetts arrived safely in Baltimore about 10 a.m.[10]

Trains passing through Baltimore at that time could not proceed directly through the city without stopping. Southbound trains were decoupled at President Street Station on the east side of the city. Cars were drawn individually along rails on Pratt Street by horsepower to Camden Station on the west side of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, where the trains were reassembled. The initial cars encountered little resistance but soon a growing crowd of Baltimore citizens became increasingly agitated by the passing transports filled with troops.[11] The crowd attacked the car carrying Company K with stones and bricks and derailed it by placing obstructions on the tracks. Railroad company workers managed to put the car back on track and Company K was the seventh and last company to reach Camden Station by rail.[12] The crowd barricaded the rails by dumping cartloads of sand and dragging anchors from the nearby docks across them thus preventing further cars from passing.[11]

Private Ladd of the 6th Massachusetts was the first Union soldier killed in action during the Civil War.

The blockage of the railroad left four companies, numbering 220 men, at President Street Station with no choice but to march through the city to reach Camden Station, slightly more than one mile away. The size of the crowd obstructing their path was estimated at 10,000.[13] Captain Follansbee, the senior captain, took charge of the detachment. After crossing the Pratt Street Bridge, which had been partially dismantled by the crowd, Follansbee ordered his men to march at the “double-quick.” This roused the crowd further as they perceived the quickened pace as an indication of panic. As well as stones and bricks being thrown, shots were now fired at the 6th Massachusetts from the stores and houses around them. Captain Follansbee gave the order to return fire.[14]

Seventeen-year-old Private Luther C. Ladd, a factory worker from Lowell, was hit in the head by a piece of scrap iron that was thrown from a rooftop and fractured his skull.[15] As he staggered, one of the rioters took Ladd’s musket from him and fired, wounding him in the leg.[16] Ladd died on Pratt Street. He is known as the first Union soldier to be killed in action during the Civil War.[16][17][18] Four other militiamen were killed or mortally wounded during the riot: Private Addison O. Whitney, Private Charles A. Taylor, Corporal Sumner Henry Needham and Sergeant John Ames.[18] A total of 36 members of the 6th Massachusetts were wounded.[19]

A formation of approximately 50 officers of the Baltimore Police eventually placed themselves between the rioters and the militiamen, allowing the 6th Massachusetts to proceed to Camden Station.[20] The companies boarded the train which quickly got underway for Washington, though the crowd followed the train for some miles attempting to stop it. A total of 12 civilians were killed during the riot and an unknown number were injured.[21]

Garrison duty

The 6th Massachusetts reached Washington, D.C., on April 19, 1861, the first unit to arrive in response to Lincoln’s call for troops.[22] A large, cheering crowd welcomed them at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station which once stood north of the Capitol. Among the crowd was Clara Barton who became a famed nurse during the Civil War. At the time a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office, Barton gained her first experience in caring for wounded soldiers as she tended to injured men of the 6th Massachusetts.[23]

The 6th Massachusetts bivouacked in Monument Square in Baltimore on July 1, 1861, at the close of their second garrison encampment in the city.

The 6th Massachusetts was barracked in the Senate Chamber in the Capitol. The next morning, tensions in Washington were high as rumors circulated of an impending Confederate attack. After reviewing the 6th Massachusetts, Lincoln expressed his anxiety to the members of the regiment, telling them, “I don’t believe there is any North. The Seventh Regiment [New York] is a myth. Rhode Island is not known in our geography any longer. You are the only northern realities.”[22][24]

In the days and weeks after the Baltimore Riot, newspapers and politicians across the country drew comparisons between the Massachusetts militia who had fought on April 19, 1775, at the start of the Revolution and the Massachusetts troops who fought on April 19, 1861.[25] Among the 6th Massachusetts were descendants of those Minutemen who had fought in Lexington and Concord in 1775. Due to the coincidence of the date and the ancestry of some members, the 6th Massachusetts was often called the “Minutemen of ’61.”[26]

The 6th Massachusetts remained in Washington until May 5, when they were assigned to garrison a key railroad relay station about 15 miles outside of Baltimore at Elkridge.[27] Their presence there helped keep open the crucial rail line from the northeastern states to Washington.[28] The regiment returned to Baltimore on May 13, when Major General Benjamin F. Butler occupied the city with several Union regiments in anticipation of a Confederate attack on Baltimore which never developed. The 6th Massachusetts marched through the city to Federal Hill, where they set up camp for a short stay of three days. On May 16, the regiment returned to the Elkridge relay station. They served out the majority of their term at the relay station and vicinity, except for a second assignment in Baltimore from June 26 to July 1, 1861.[27]

The regiment’s return to Boston at the close of their 90-day term was delayed slightly by special request of Major General Nathaniel P. Banks. In light of the recent Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run, in which the 6th Massachusetts did not participate, he asked the regiment voluntarily remain at Elkridge another week in the event of a Confederate advance on Washington. On July 29, the 6th Massachusetts received orders to break camp and boarded trains for Boston which was reached on August 1. The regiment was mustered out on August 2, 1861.[27]

9-month term of service

Organization and departure

The regiment was again activated for federal service following Lincoln’s call in August 1862 for 300,000 troops to serve for nine months. Seven of the ten original companies returned for the second period of service. Members who had served during the regiment’s first term were not compelled to reenlist. While many did reenlist, considerable recruiting of new volunteers was necessary in order to fill out the companies and thus the roster during the second term was different than the 90-day term.[29] To complete the regiment, an additional three companies, made up entirely of fresh recruits, were organized. The roster of officers during the nine months term was substantially the same as the 90-day term.[30] Follansbee, who had assumed command of the detached companies engaged in the Baltimore Riot, was promoted to colonel and commanded the regiment during its second term of service. The unit was mustered in at Camp Henry Wilson in Lowell beginning August 31, 1862. The 6th Massachusetts departed Boston on September 9 on board the steamship Plymouth Rock. Arriving in New York, the regiment traveled by rail through Baltimore and on to Washington. The unit received a very different welcome in Baltimore during their second term and were given a large reception with food and drink and much cheering from the citizens of the city


26th MA Infantry
( 3-years )

Organized: Camp Cameron, North Cambridge, MA on 8/28/61
Mustered Out: 8/26/65 at Savannah, GAOfficers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 3
Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 3
Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 61
Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 182
(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)


From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Dec ’61 Mar ’62 Ship Island Expedition Army and Dept of the Gulf New Organization
Mar ’62 Sep ’62 2 Butler’s NO Exped Army and Dept of the Gulf
Sep ’62 Jan ’63 Defenses of New Orleans Army and Dept of the Gulf
Jan ’63 Jul ’63 2 2 19 Army and Dept of the Gulf
Jul ’63 Feb ’64 2 3 19 Army and Dept of the Gulf
Feb ’64 Jun ’64 2 2 19 Army and Dept of the Gulf
Jun ’64 Jul ’64 1 2 19 Army and Dept of the Gulf
Jul ’64 Aug ’64 1 2 19 Army of the James
Aug ’64 Jan ’65 1 2 19 Army of the Shenandoah
Jan ’65 Mar ’65 2 1 19 Army of the Shenandoah


THREE YEAR (Re-enlisted)

     The 26th Regt. Mass. Vol. Inf. was recruited largely by

Col. Edward F. Jones, formerly commander of the 6th Regt. 3

Months.  The nucleus of the 26th first assembled at Camp

Cameron in North Cambridge, and was known as the 6th Regiment,

many of its officers and men having served in the old 6th above

mentioned.  On Sept. 23, 1861, the regiment was transferred to

Camp Chase, Lowell, where it completed its organization as

the 26th Regiment.  The men were mustered in on various dates

during September and October.  Ordered to report to Gen.

Butler, the regiment embarked at Boston, Nov. 19, and on Dec. 3

reached Ship Island in the Gulf of Mexico, where Gen. Butler’s

forces were being assembled for a movement on New Orleans.

Here the regiment remained until the middle of April, 1862,

being assigned to Williams’ (2d) Division


During the last of April, after Farragut’s fleet had

opened the lower Mississippi, the 26th occupied Forts Jackson

and St. Philip.  Early in July the regiment moved up to the

city of New Orleans, where it remained doing guard and provost

duty until the beginning of the following summer.  During the

winter of 1862-63 the 19th Corps was formed, the 26thRegt.

becoming a part of the 2d Brigade, 2d Division.


The first combat service of the 26th Regt. was at La

Fourche Crossing, sixty miles west of New Orleans, where the

Confederates were making a movement toward Brashear City.  Here

five companies of the 26th were attacked, June 21, 1863, by a

force under Gen. Taylor.  The assailants were repulsed with

severe loss  The 26th lost 5 killed and mortally wounded and 8

wounded, not mortally.  Returning to New Orleans on July

15, it remained there until August 28, when it moved to Baton

Rouge to join an expedition against Sabine Pass.  The

expedition was not a success, and by the middle of September

the 26th was back at New Orleans.  Later in the fall it

proceeded again up past La Fourche Crossing through Brashear

City and on to Fort Bisland, at which latter place it rested

until Oct. 3.  Thence it marched to Opelousas, where it

remained until Nov. 1, when it started back, arriving at New

Iberia, Nov. 17, where it remained until the close of the year.

Early in January, 1864, the regiment moved to Franklin, where,

during January and February, 546 men, nearly two thirds of the

regiment, reenlisted for three years.  These men were sent home

on the 22d of March and were furloughed until the Tennallytown

near Washington, it became a part of Birge’s (1st) Brigade,

Grover’s (2d) Division, Emory’s (19th) Corps.


About the middle of August the regiment moved into the

Shenandoah Valley, advanced to Berryville the 16th, then

retired to Charlestown and to Halltown.  Advancing again, on

September 19 it was heavily engaged at Winchester, Va., losing

46 in killed and mortally wounded, including Captain Thayer and

Major Clark. This was the regiment’s heaviest loss in any one



After pursuing the enemy to Mount Jackson beyond

Harrisonburg, Va., the 26th returned to Cedar Creek.  Here just

prior to the battle of October 19, the members who had not re-

enlisted were sent home for muster out.  On the 19th of October

the 26th, now reduced to a battalion of five companies, shared

in the battle of Cedar Creek, losing 30 officers and men, of

whom 4 were killed or mortally wounded.


On October 26, while on duty guarding a forage train,

Lieut. McQuestion and 45 men were surprised and captured by

Confederate cavalry near Newtown, Va.


The regiment remained in or near Winchester, Va., until

May, 1865, when it was sent to Washington and thence to

Savannah, Ga., where it arrived June 8.  It remained at

Savannah until August 26, 1865, when it was mustered out of the

service.  On September 12 it took transport for Boston, and at

Galloup’s Island, Boston Harbor, Sept. 18, 1865, it received

its final payment and discharge.

1st Texas Cavalry Regiment (Union)


1st Texas Cavalry Regiment
Active November 6, 1862 – November 4, 1865
Country  United States of America
Allegiance  Texas
Branch Union Army
Type Regiment
Role Cavalry
Size 8 companies (initially)
12 companies
Part of Department of the Gulf
Organized at New Orleans, Louisiana
Engagements American Civil War

·       Second Bayou Teche Campaign

·       Battle of Brownsville

·       Battle of Laredo

Col. Edmund J. Davis
Col. John L. Haynes

The 1st Texas Cavalry Regiment was a cavalry regiment from Texas that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Raised in Louisiana in 1862; it served in the Department of the Gulf and in Texas. It was consolidated with the 2nd Texas Cavalry Regiment in November 1864.[1] Afterwards it continued to serve until being disbanded in November 1865.[2]


1st Louisiana Cavalry Regiment (Union)

For the Confederate army regiment of the same name, see 1st Louisiana Cavalry Regiment.

1st Louisiana Regiment Cavalry
Active August, 1862 – December 18, 1865
Country United States of America
Allegiance  USA
Branch Union Army, American Civil War
Type Cavalry
Engagements Fort Bisland
Irish Bend
Vermillion Bayou
Plains Store
Port Hudson
LaFourche Crossing
Sabine Crossroads
Pleasant Hill
Cane River Crossing
Yellow Bayou
Spanish Fort
Fort Blakely
Commander Maj Harai Robinson

The 1st Louisiana Regiment Cavalry was a cavalry unit in the Union Army during the American Civil War.[1] The regiment was one of several organized in New Orleans in August 1862 by order of Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler and recruited from among “white Unionists, and pro-Northern refugees” in the city; it consisted primarily of foreigners and men of Northern birth.[2]


The unit was assigned in 1863 to the Union XIX Corps of Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks in the Department of the Gulf.

They participated in operations in Western Louisiana: Fort BislandIrish Bend, and Vermillion Bayou in April, 1863 and in the Siege of Port Hudson from May to July. The regiment participated in the Red River Campaign from March to May, 1864.

The unit left Louisiana and moved to Fort BarrancasFlorida in February 1865. It joined the campaign against Mobile, Alabama. The regiment then marched to Blakely, across the Mobile River, taking control of its Fort Blakely, a major fort during the war. This completed Confederate defeat in the area.

The unit mustered out on December 18, 1865.

Algernon Sidney Badger
Born October 28, 1839
Boston, Massachusetts
Died May 9, 1905 (aged 65)
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Residence New Orleans, Louisiana
Nationality American
Alma mater Milton Academy
Occupation Government Official
Political party Republican
Religion Episcopalian
Spouse(s) (1) Elizabeth Florence Parmele Badger (married 1872–1880, her death)

(2) Blanche Blineau Badger (married 1882)

Children From first marriage:
Sidney Badger
Frederick Parmele Badger
John Algernon Badger
Harry Badger
From second marriage:
George Chester BadgerMarion Badger Wells

Algernon Sidney Badger (October 28, 1839 – May 9, 1905) was a colonel[1][2] in the Union Army who became an important Republican carpetbagger government official in New Orleans, Louisiana, during and after Reconstruction.

Early years

Sharing the name of the English politician, Algernon Sidney, who was executed for treason against Charles II, Badger was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to John Baton Badger and the former Sarah Payne Sprague. He was educated at Milton Academy in Milton, Massachusetts, the birthplace of U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Badger volunteered for service in the American Civil War with the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry, later the 26th Infantry. He was sent to New Orleans as an infantry lieutenant. In 1863, he enlisted in the First Louisiana Union Cavalry in command of Company D. He rose to lieutenant colonel and then colonel for “faithful and meritorious service” in the 1864 Battle of Mobile Bay in Mobile, Alabama. That same year, he was wounded in battle at False River in southern Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.[3]

Political offices

After the war, Badger became a clerk in Fourth District Recorders Court in New Orleans. About 1868, he joined the New Orleans Metropolitan Police and was elevated to the superintendency in 1870. On September 14, 1874, Badger was seriously wounded at the Battle of Liberty Place, an insurrection by the Crescent City White League. Badger left the police force in 1875 to serve as state tax collector in New Orleans. In 1878, during the administration of Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio, Badger was named postmaster at New Orleans. After a year, he took another patronage position, special deputy in the New Orleans Customs House, a position that he filled until 1885, when the Democratic administration of Grover Cleveland of New York replaced him. In 1889, with the return of a Republican administration under Benjamin Harrison of Indiana, Badger was named special deputy of the customs service, and then in 1890 the appraiser of merchandise at New Orleans, a post which again ended in 1893 with the return of Cleveland to the presidency. Badger returned to the appraiser position about 1900, with the Republican William McKinley administration, and held that final position until his death in 1905 at the age of sixty-five.[3]

Family and civic life

Badger was twice married. On April 30, 1872, he wed the former Elizabeth Florence Parmele, daughter of Frederick F. and Jane Parmele. The couple had four children, Sidney (born ca. 1873), Frederick Parmele (born ca. 1874), John Algernon (born 1876), and Harry (born 1877). Elizabeth died in 1880, and on September 9, 1882, Badger married the former Blanche B. Blineau, the daughter of John Blineau and the former Amelia Dechamps. From the second marriage, he had two other children, George Chester Badger (born 1883) and Marion (born 1885; later Mrs. C. E. Benton Wells).[3]

Badger on more than one occasion led the New Orleans Mardi Gras procession of the Krewe of Rex in his capacity as police superintendent. In one appearance, some in the crowd lampooned him as a “sleuthing bloodhound with a large protruding nose.”[4] Badger was a member and officer of the Grand Army of the Republic veterans organization. He was a grand commander of Knights Templar and a member of the Masonic lodge. He was Episcopalian. Badger died in New Orleans and is interred there at Metairie Cemetery.[3][5]

Algernon Sidney Badger


28 Oct 1839

Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA


9 May 1905 (aged 65)

New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA


Metairie Cemetery

New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA  Show Map


Section 79 – Corinthian Benevolent Association tomb

Son of John Beighton Badger and Sarah Payne Sprague.

Married (1), April 30, 1872, Elizabeth Florence Parmele (d. 1880), daughter of Frederick F. and Jane Parmele. Children: Sidney (b. ca. 1873), Frederick Parmele (b. ca. 1874), John Algernon (b. 1876) and Harry (b. 1877).

Married (2), September 9, 1882, Blanche B. Blineau, daughter of John Blineau and Amelia Dechamps. Children: George Chester (b. 1883) and Marion (Mrs. C. E. Benton Wells, b. 1885).

Police superintendent and government official.

Education: Milton Academy, Milton, Mass.

Civil War service: Sixth Massachusetts Infantry (one of the first Union Army volunteer units) later Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, with which he came to New Orleans as lieutenant; enlisted in 1863 in the First Louisiana (Union) Cavalry and commanded Company D; rose to rank of lieutenant colonel and was brevetted colonel in 1865 for “faithful and meritorious service” in the Mobile Campaign; wounded in a skirmish at False River, La., 1864.

After war, served as clerk in Fourth District Recorders Court in New Orleans; entered the Metropolitan Police, ca. 1868, appointed superintendent, May 4, 1870; seriously wounded September 14, 1874, at the Battle of Liberty Place, resigned from force, 1875.

Served as state tax collector in the Fourth District of New Orleans, ca. 1875-1878; postmaster at New Orleans, 1878-1879; collector of customs at New Orleans, 1879-1885; special deputy, customs service, ca. 1889-1890; appraiser of merchandise at New Orleans, 1890-ca. 1893 and ca. 1900-1905.

Life member, National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic; deputy commander, Department of Louisiana and Mississippi, Grand Army of the Republic, 1886, 1891, 1892; past grand commander, Knights Templar of Louisiana; member, Corinthian Lodge of Masons, Knights of Pythias, Mechanics Fire Co. #6, and the Episcopal church. Died, New Orleans, May 9, 1905; interred Metairie Cemetery. W.E.