SOLD – Unique Watercolor Portrait of Sergeant Thomas H. Sheehan, Company E, 17th New York Veteran Volunteer Zouaves

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Unique Watercolor Portrait of Sergeant Thomas H. Sheehan, Company E, 17th New York Veteran Volunteer Zouaves – This finely crafted, watercolor portrait on paper remains in very good condition, exhibiting vibrant colors. The painting is signed at the lower right – “AKline 1878.” Affixed to the mat is an original, period, applied paper label identifying the subject as Sergeant Thomas H. Sheehan of Company E, 17th Regiment, N.Y.V.V.Z., First Brigade, Second Division, 14th Army Corps, listing his years of service: 1863, 1864, and 1865, as well. The portrait depicts Sheehan, attired in a full Zouave uniform, holding his rifle. Behind Sergeant Sheehan is a tent marked “17 Regt NYVVZ / Co E,” an American flag, and breastworks that incorporate cannons and cannonballs. Although the Sheehan’s body and extremities are hand painted, Sheehan’s head was cut from a war period CDV of the sergeant, then tinted and glued and positioned on the painted body. The portrait is contained in a fine, period, walnut frame, with original, period glass. You will note that in one picture we have attached, a watercolor of another U.S. Zouave (from Alamy Photos and now in the collection of the Virginia Museum of History and Culture) that a similar mode to that utilized with the Sheehan portrait, was also used in creating the image of the Va. Museum painting  of a zouave – the excising the head of the subject from a CDV and placing that photographic image on the artist-painted body.

Portrait measures as follows: 8½“ x 10“ (sight size;) 16 1/8” x 18 1/8” (frame size)

Thomas Sheehan

Residence was not listed; 18 years old. Enlisted on 8/8/1863 at New York City, NY as a Private.   On 9/2/1863 he mustered into NY 11th Infantry. He was transferred out on 10/1/1863 On 10/1/1863 he transferred into “E” Co. NY 17th Infantry He was Mustered Out on 7/13/1865 at Alexandria, VA   Promotions: * Corpl 11/1/1864 * Sergt


SHEEHAN, THOMAS.—Age , 28 years . Enlisted, Ma y 3, 1861, at Morrisania (neighborhood in the southwestern Bronx); mustered in as private , Co . C, Ma y 20, 1861, to serve two years; promoted corporal, January 23,1863 ; mustered out with company, June 2, 1863, at New York city.

17th NY Infantry
( 3-years )

Organized: Staten Island, NY on 10/14/63
Mustered Out: 7/13/65 at Alexandria, NYOfficers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 2
Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0
Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 51
Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 56
(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)


From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Nov ’63 Dec ’63 1 6 16 Department of the Tennessee
Jan ’64 Mar ’64 2 4 16 Department of the Tennessee
Mar ’64 Aug ’64 3 4 16 Department of the Tennessee
Jun ’64 Aug ’64 Decatur, AL District North AL Dept and Army of Ohio and Cumberland
Aug ’64 Jul ’65 1 2 14 Dept and Army of Ohio and Cumberland Mustered Out


Seventeenth Veteran Infantry.-A large proportion of the members of the 17th reenlisted immediately after being mustered out at New York and with the addition of recruits for the 9th and 38th regiments and the “Union Sharpshooters,” the 17th again took the   field in Oct., 1863. It was immediately ordered to join the army under Gen. Sherman, was stationed during that autumn at Louisville, Ky., Eastport, Tenn., and Union City, Ky.; reached Gen. Sherman’s force at Vicksburg, Jan. 24, 1864, where it was assigned to the 2nd brigade, 4th division, 16th corps; participated in the   Mississippi campaign, being active in sharp skirmishes at Decatur, Ala., Moulton, etc. In April the 17th was assigned to the 3d brigade, 4th division, 16th corps, and in August, at Atlanta, was transferred to the 1st brigade, 2nd division, 14th corps, with which it participated in the siege operations, the Hood campaign and the march to the sea.   It was engaged at Rockingham, Fayetteville, Averasboro, Bentonville, Goldsboro and Smithfield, N. C.; was assigned June 9, 1865, to the 1st brigade, 22nd corps; returned to Washington with Gen. Sherman; participated in the grand review and was mustered out at Alexandria, Va., July 13, 1865. The loss of the veteran regiment during its term of service was 56 deaths from wounds and 65 from accident, disease or imprisonment.

17th Infantry Regiment

Nickname: Westchester Chasseurs

Mustered in: May 28, 1861
Mustered out: June 2, 1863


This regiment, Col. Henry S. Lansing, was accepted by the State and numerically designated May 14, 1861; it was organized in New York city and there mustered in the United States service for two years May 28, 1861. The 18th State Militia furnished men for one company of this regiment. March 16, 1862, Company G was consolidated.
with Companies A, B, C and F, and replaced by Company A, 53d N. Y. Volunteers, first organization, transferred to the regiment. May 13, 1863, the three years’ men of the regiment were detached from it and assigned to the Battalion of New York Volunteers, but June 23, 1863, transferred to the 146th N. Y. Volunteers.
The companies were recruited principally: A at Yonkers; B at Portchester; C at Morrisania; D and E at New York city; F at Sing Sing; G — Nyack Volunteers — at Nyack; H at Norwich; I at Newark, Arcadia and Sodus; K at Warsaw; and the second Company G at New York city.
The regiment left the State June 21, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. C., from June 23, 1861; at Fort Ellsworth, D. C., from August 4, 1861; in Butterfield’s Brigade, Porter’s Division, Army of the Potomac, from October 15, 1862; in same brigade and division, 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March 13, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, from May, 1862, and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Lansing, June 2, 1863, at New York city.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 3 officers, 26 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, II enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 45 enlisted men; total, 8 officers, 82 enlisted men; aggregate, 90.


Seventeenth Infantry.—Cols., Henry S. Lansing, William T. C. Grower, Joel O. Martin, James Lake; Lieut.-Cols., Thomas Ford Morris, Nelson B. Bartram, Edward Jardine, Joel O. Martin, James Lake, Alexander S. Marshall; Majs., Charles A. Johnson, Nelson B; Bartram, William T. C. Grower, Joel O. Martin, Charles Hilbert, Alexander S. Marshall, James B. Homer. The I7th regiment—the “Westchester Chasseurs”—contained four companies from Westches-ter county, two from New York city, one from each of the counties of Rockland, Chenango, Wayne and Wyoming, and was mustered into the U. S. service at New York city, May 28, 1861, for a two years’ term. It went into camp at Camp Washington, Staten Island, until June 21, when it left for Washington and was stationed at Fort Ellsworth near Alexandria. With the 2nd brigade, 5th division, which was held in reserve, the regiment was present at Bull Run. In September it was posted at Fairfax seminary; in October was ordered to Hall’s hill, where it was assigned to Butterfield’s brigade, 1st division, 3d corps, and established permanent winter quarters. In March, 1862, a company from the 53d N. Y. infantry was assigned to the I7th, and in May, the brigade became a part of the 1st division of the 5th provisional corps. In March the command moved to Fortress Monroe and after several reconnoitering expeditions proceeded to Yorktown, where it participated in the siege operations. It was not actively engaged in the ensuing battles of the Peninsular campaign and went into camp at Harrison’s landing, whence it moved to Newport News and Manassas. At the second Bull Run the regiment made a valiant assault, in which it suffered the loss of 183 killed, wounded and missing, and after the battle the brigade was withdrawn to the vicinity of Washington, where it joined the army in the Maryland campaign, without being called into action. It reached Falmouth in Nov., 1862, where camp was established; the regiment was active at Fredericksburg and shared in the “Mud March,” returning to complete the winter at Falmouth. It was held in reserve at Chancellorsville, the last engagement of the two years men, who were mustered out at New York city, May 22, 1863. During the two years’ service, the regiment lost 42 men by death from wounds and 48 by death from other causes.

The “Westchester Chasseurs” received their Regimental Colors on June 17, 1861, at Camp Washington, from the patriotic ladies of Westchester County. Painted in the center are the Arms of the State of New York. The regiment’s designation is painted above and below the Arms. The other side of the flag includes the Arms of the United States painted in the center with the same painted inscriptions. Metallic bullion fringe lines three sides.

17th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

“Westchester Chasseurs”

The 17th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 5 officers and 32 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 3 officers and 37 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

May 14 Organized at New York City and accepted for state service under Colonel H. Seymour Lansing, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F. Morris and Major Charles A. Johnson.
May 28 Mustered in for two years United States service.
June 15 At Camp Washington, Staten Island
June 21 Left State for Washington, D.C. by rail via New Jersey, Harrisburg and Baltmore. Attached to Mansfield’s Command, Dept. of Washington and assigned to garrison duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C.
August 4 Assigned to Fort Ellsworth, Division of the Potomac.
September Attached to Butterfield’s Brigade, Porter’s Division, Army of the Potomac
December 5 Captain Nelson Bartram of Company B was promoted to major.
March Attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
March 10-15 Advance on Manassas, Va.
March 16 Company G was consolidated with companies A, B, C and F
March 21 Company A of 54th New York was transferred to become Company G of 17th New York.
March 22 Moved to the Peninsula, Va. on the steamship Knickerbocker
March 23 Landed at Fortress Monroe and marched five miles from Hampton
April 5 Warwick Road
April 5-May 4 Siege of Yorktown; attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps
May 8 Marched to Yorktown and embarked on steamship S. R. Spaulding
May 9 Embarked at West Point in pontoon boats. Lieutenant Colonel Morris was promoted to colonel of the 93rd New York Infantry Regiment
May 10 Reconnaissance up the Pamunkey. Major Bartram promoted to lieutenant colonel
May 18 Major Johnson was discharged to become colonel of 25th New York Infantry Regiment
May 27
Battle of Hanover Court House

The regiment captured a howitzer and caisson in an attack on the Confederate flank, losing 8 enlisted men captured or missing

May 27-29 Operations about Hanover Court House, burned several railroad bridges
June 20 Captain William T. C. Grower promoted to major
June 25-July 1 Seven days before Richmond. The regiment was cut off from the main army and forced to retreat under General Stoneman to White House
June 26-July 2 Operations about White House Landing
June 28 Embarked at White House under cover of gunboats, losing 3 enlisted men wounded
July 1 Reached Yorktown and transferred from gunboats to steamboat Catskill, to the tug Adriatic, and finally to the steamer Kennebec, arriving at Harrisons Landing
July Duty at Harrison’s LandingOne man was killed by artillery fire
August 14 Left Harrison’s Landing at midnight, crossing the Chickahominy
August 15 Marched through Williamsburg
August 16 Reached Yorktown
August 17 Marched 17 miles toward Newport News
August 19 Embarked on the steamer Knickerbocker, which ranaground at the mouth of the Potomac. Transferred to the Alice Price.
August 20 Landed at Aquia Creek
August 21 Moved by rail to Fredericksburg, then marched to Warrenton and Manassas
August 28-September 2 Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia
August 30
Second Battle of Bull Run

Led the advance of Butterfield’s Brigade at Groveton. Three color bearers were shot down and both flagstaffs shot to pieces.

The regiment lost:

Captains Isaac Blauvelt of Company K, James Demerest of Company G and Andrew Willson of Company I, Lieutenant James Reed of Company K and 33 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded

Major William Grower, Adjutant Waldo Sprague, Captains John Burleigh of Company D, Terrance Foley of Company A and Joel Martin of Company H and Lieutenants Cornelius Green of Company D and Joseph Morey of Company K and 92 enlisted men wounded

46 enlisted men missing or captured

September 6-22 Maryland Campaign
September 12 Left camp at Fairfax Seminary and Hall’s Hill, crossed the Potomac and passed through Washington and Georgetown.
September 13 Marched through Rockville
September 14 Reached Frederick
September 15 Camped near South Mountain
September 16 Arrived near Antietam battleground
September 16-17
Battle of Antietam

Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Nelson B. Bartram, the regiment was in reserve and suffered no casualties.

September 19 Shepherdstown
September – October Duty at Sharpsburg, Md. picketing the Potomac
October 30-
November 17
Movement to Falmouth, Va.
October 30 Moved toward Harpers Ferry
October 31 Passed through Harpers Ferry and to the Blue Mountains
November 2 Moved on Leesburg Turpike to Woodgrove, then to Snickersville and Snicker’s Gap
November 6 Moved toward Middleburg on the Alexandria Road, but went into camp due to a severe snow storm
November 8 Marched to New Baltimore along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, then to Warrenton
November 17 Moved to Warrenton Junction
November 18-24 Moved to Falmouth
December 11 Left camp and crossed the Rappahannock
December 12-15
Battle of Fredericksburg

The regiment lost Adjutant George Wilson and 2 enlisted men mortally wounded, 2 officers and 9 enlisted men wounded, and 5 enlisted men missing or captured

December 29-30 Expedition to Richards’ and Ellis’ Fords, Rappahannock River
January 20-24 “Mud March”
February At Falmouth
April 27-May 6
Chancellorsville Campaign

The regiment lost 1 man killed and 4 wounded at U. S. Ford, which it was the last regiment to cross covering the retreat of the army

May 1-5
Battle of Chancellorsville
May 13 Three years’ men were detached and assigned to a Battalion of New York Volunteers under Captain Hudson, which became part of the 146th New York
May 18 Left for New York to muster out
May 22 The regiment mustered out under Colonel Lansing and Lieutenant Colonel Bartram


17th Regiment, New York Infantry


Organized at New York City and mustered in for two years’ service May 28, 1861. Left State for Washington, D. C., June 21. Attached to Mansfield’s Command, Dept. of Washington, June to August, 1861. Garrison, Fort Ellsworth, Defences of Washington, to October, 1861. Butterfield’s Brigade, Porter’s Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, to June, 1863.


Duty in the Defences of Washington, D. C., till March, 1862. Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15, 1862. Moved to the Peninsula, Va., March 22-24. Peninsula Campaign March to August. Warwick Road April 5. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Reconnoissance up the Pamunkey May 10. Battle of Hanover Court House May 27. Operations about Hanover Court House May 27-29. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Operations about White House Landing June 26-July 2. White House June 28. Duty at Harrison Landing till August 16. Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centreville August 16-28. Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia August 28-September 2. Battle of Bull Run August 30. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. Shepherdstown September 19. Duty at Sharpsburg, Md., till October 30. Movement to Falmouth, Va., October 30-November 17. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. Expedition to Richards’ and Ellis’ Fords, Rappahannock River, December 29-30. “Mud March” January 20-24, 1863. At Falmouth till April 27. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Three years’ men detached May 13, 1863; assigned to a Battalion of New York Volunteers and on June 23, 1863, transferred to 146th Regiment New York Infantry. Regiment mustered out June 2, 1863.

Regiment lost during service 5 Officers and 32 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 37 Enlisted men by disease. Total 77.