1/9 Plate Ruby Ambrotype of a Union Infantry Musician



1/9 Plate Ruby Ambrotype of a Union Infantry Musician – This fine ninth plate, still retaining its original cover glass and preserver, depicts a striking image of a Federal, Infantry musician, wearing what appears to be an enlisted man’s, nine button frock coat, with the musician’s lyre style taping adorning the front or breast area of the coat; the general service eagle buttons on the coat, appear to be the medium size types, not the smaller cuff buttons that are on the mounted shell jackets; also, the number of buttons appears to be less than the 12 that are on shell jackets – there appears to be nine buttons, the number that appear on enlisted frock coats. Finally, the decorative, branch of service piping on the sleeves of the coat, appears to be the more narrow variety, seen on enlisted frock coats.  The soldier appears to be seated, with his hand holding something that is not discernible, in front of him. The image is quite clear and exhibits fine resolution. When taken out of the half case that houses the image, then viewed through the image, from the back, the telltale, ruby colored glass is quite apparent. We have had mounted buglers’ images, on occasion, but this is the first infantry musician we have had.