Civil War Smith Carbine



Civil War Smith Carbine – This example of the Smith, Civil War carbine, was manufactured by Massachusetts Arms Company of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. A single-shot, percussion, breechloading carbine, the gun fired a .50 caliber bullet. The breech was loaded by depressing the brass, plunger-like device, just forward of the trigger, thereby allowing the barrel to pivot downward, exposing the breech. The barrel is round, up to the barrel band, where the barrel becomes octagonal in shape. The carbine has iron mountings, with a walnut stock; there is a sling bar and ring mounted on the left side of the breech and receiver frame. The left side of the breech is stamped: “ADDRESS / POULTNEY & TRIMBLE / BALTIMORE, USA”; on the frame, just above one branch of the saddle ring bar is stamped: “MANUFACTURED BY / MASS. ARMS CO / CHICOPEE FALLS”. The serial number of the weapon is stamped twice, on the underside of the barrel and receiver: “14679”. The gun remains in overall excellent condition, displaying some original bluing and casehardening; the bore is clean and exhibits considerable rifling. Both the buttstock and fore stock wood are in excellent condition. This is a strong example of one of the “workhorses” of Union mounted troops.