Fine Civil War Period Virginia Officer’s Cockade

This Civil War period cockade, chosen by southern officers to adorn their slouch hats or place on their frock coats, is in overall good condition; some of the areas of the composite ribbons are a bit fragile. It is constructed of red, white and blue silk ribbons – a red and a blue ribbon suspended lengthwise beneath the staff, Virginia coat button; three ribbons – red, white and blue – each formed into a circular rosette, affixed behind the Virginia button.



Fine Civil War Period Virginia Officer’s Cockade – This Civil War period cockade, chosen by southern officers to adorn their slouch hats or place on their frock coats, is in overall good condition; some of the areas of the composite ribbons are a bit fragile. It is constructed of red, white and blue silk ribbons – a red and a blue ribbon suspended lengthwise beneath the staff, Virginia coat button; three ribbons – red, white and blue – each formed into a circular rosette, affixed behind the Virginia button. The button’s shank perforates the three ribbon rosettes and is affixed on the back via what appears to be a strand of Civil War period, gold bullion, officer’s hat cord. There is a buckram-like, reinforcing material that may be of a later vintage. These patriotic cockades are occasionally seen in period images of Confederate officers, but are exceedingly rare today. Â