Fine Special Model of 1861 Manufactured by Lamson, Goodnow & Yale

This rifled musket is an excellent example of the Special Model of 1861, manufactured by LamsonGoodnow & Yale of Windsor, Vermont, from 1862 to 1864approximately 50,000 of these rifles were produced. The lock plate of this example is dated 1863 and marked with the eagle/U.S. motif followed by “L.G-&Y./WINDSOR-VT” ahead of the hammer.



Fine Special Model of 1861 Manufactured by Lamson, Goodnow & Yale – This rifled musket is an excellent example of the Special Model of 1861, manufactured by Lamson, Goodnow & Yale of Windsor, Vermont, from 1862 to 1864; approximately 50,000 of these rifles were produced. The lock plate of this example is dated 1863 and marked with the eagle/U.S. motif followed by “L.G-&Y./WINDSOR-VT” ahead of the hammer. The barrel is also dated 1863 and is stamped with “V/P/eagle head” proofs on the upper left flat. The barrel may be a period Colt Special M1861 barrel, as the eagle head has little feathers or scales; the L.G. & Y barrel, eagle stamping has distinct neck feathers that area almost scale-like in appearance. It has the correct bayonet lug/blade sight and a three leaf rear sight. The bolster is stamped with an eagle/shield motif and the barrel bands are marked with the letter “U”. The oiled walnut stock is in excellent, untouched condition with some minor pressure dents and scratches.; the butt plate is stamped “US” on the tang. The upper right side of the fore stock is carved with the initials “AWL”. The original tulip shaped ramrod is in place. This rifle remains in fine condition, retaining its original bright appearance, exhibiting some minor aging. The stock is also excellent Mechanically, the gun is excellent and retains a fine, clean bore.