Gettysburg Artifacts Picked Up on the Battlefield in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century by a Gettysburg Resident


Gettysburg Artifacts Picked Up on the Battlefield in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century by a Gettysburg Resident – This piece of heavy cardstock, the type used to mount cabinet card images in the latter half of the 19th century, has wired to it two Gettysburg artifacts, picked up on the battlefield by local resident, Cora Blanche Dougherty. Mrs. Dougherty, born Cora Minnigh, in 1875, in Gettysburg, married J. Frank Dougherty, also of Gettysburg, in 1897. She seemingly collected the two artifacts, off what would be for her, a local battlefield, sometime after her marriage; Mrs. Dougherty died in 1939 and is interred in Gettysburg, alongside her husband. There are three items crudely wired to the cardstock: a Confederate spur; a tinned, sheet iron soldier’s, “US” stamped, mess spoon; an ornate, old English, sheet brass, letter “D” (presumably for the name Dougherty). Although questionable that the ornate, letter “D” had military usage, the other two artifacts are of military origins. Inked along the top of the cardstock is the following inscription:

Picked up on Gettysburg Battlefield

By Mrs Dougherty

Gettysburg, Pa.

This labeling appears to have been written sometime in the late 19th century; to buttress this supposition is a small, paper, U.S. flag pasted on to the cardstock, just below the inked labeling and above the spur and spoon – this flag appears to have 45 stars, thereby dating it from 1896 to 1908. The spur, seemingly Confederate, as the strap slots on the strap plate are rounded at their outer edges, unlike most Federal spurs that have vertically cut strap plate, strap slots. Written on the back of the cardstock is the word “Arborita” with two letters beside it that seem to be “T f”. The artifacts and cardstock remain in overall, very good condition, with an obvious, early water stain in the upper right corner on the cardstock.

Measurements of the cardstock: Height – 8.75”; Width – 6”

Cora Blanche Minnigh Dougherty

BIRTH 8 Oct 1875

Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA

DEATH 3 Apr 1939 (aged 63)

Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA

BURIAL Evergreen Cemetery

Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA

NAME: Cora Blanche Dougherty
GENDER: Female
BIRTH DATE: 8 Oct 1875
BIRTH PLACE: Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
DEATH DATE: 3 Apr 1939
DEATH PLACE: Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
CEMETERY: Evergreen Cemetery
BURIAL OR CREMATION PLACE: Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
FATHER: John Michael Minnigh
MOTHER: Victoria Anna Minnigh
SPOUSE: J Frank Dougherty
CHILDREN: Louise Bream; Mary Elizabeth Smith


Cora B Dougherty

in the 1900 United States Federal Census

Name: Cora B Dougherty
Age: 24
Birth Date: Oct 1875
Birthplace: Pennsylvania, USA
Home in 1900: Gettysburg Ward 1, Adams, Pennsylvania
Ward of City: 1
Street: East-Middle Street
House Number: 5
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 1
Family Number: 85
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse’s Name: J Frank Dougherty
Marriage Year: 1897
Years Married: 3
Father’s Birthplace: Pennsylvania, USA
Mother’s Birthplace: Pennsylvania, USA
Mother: number of living children: 2
Mother: How many children: 2
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members Age Relationship
J Frank Dougherty 30 Head
Cora B Dougherty 24 Wife
Elsie V Dougherty 1 Daughter
Ruth H Dougherty 1/12 Daughter