Id’d Civil War .44 Cal. Pistol Cartridge Box


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Id’d Civil War .44 Cal. Pistol Cartridge Box – This pistol cartridge box is a typical, war period, .44 cal. pistol box. On the interior of the cover is penciled:

John Daman

Also, lightly written on the outside of the body of the box, above the maker’s imprint, is what appears to be the word “Battery”. Imprinted on the body of the box, is the maker’s stamp:




John Daman enlisted in October, 1864, into Battery G of the Pennsylvania Light Artillery, remaining in service until mustering out in June, 1865. During Daman’s period of service, the regiment stayed primarily in the Washington, DC and Maryland area, stationed at some of the surrounding forts, to include Ft. Lincoln. The box remains in fair condition; it is missing the belt loops, but retains its closure latch tab and finial.

John H. Daman

Residence was not listed;

Enlisted on 10/20/1864 as a Private.


On 10/20/1864 he mustered into PA Batty G Light Artillery

He was Mustered Out on 6/18/1865 at Fort Delaware, DE


Batty G PA Light Artillery Battery
( 3-years )

Organized: Allegheny County, PA on 8/22/62
Mustered Out: 6/18/65 at Fort Delaware, DE

Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0
Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0
Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0
Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 9
(Source: Fox, Regimental Losses)


From To Brigade Division Corps Army Comment
Jun ’62 Aug ’62 Artillery 3 5 Army of Potomac  
Jul ’63 Jun ’65   Dist of Delaware 8 Middle Department Mustered Out


(Three Years)


Independent Batteries. – Nine light batteries (A to I

inclusive) were organized in the state while the war was in

progress and served at various places as independent organiza-

tions, but all rendered a good account of themselves, winning

praise from their commanding generals on many occasions.


BATTERY G. – Capt., John J. Young.  This battery, composed mainly of men from Allegheny county, was mustered into the U.S. service at Harrisburg, Aug. 22, 1862, for a three years term, and ordered at once to Fort Delaware, Del., where its entire term of service was spent, and on June 18, 1865, it was mus-tered out at Harrisburg.


Battery G, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery

Battery F lost 1 officer and 16 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 14 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg.

August 5 Recruited in Schylkill County and organized at Philadelphia under the command of Captain Robert West. Ordered to Washington, D.C. Attached to McCall’s Pennsylvania Reserve Division, Army of the Potomac for duty at Camp Barry and Tennallytown, Md., Defenses of Washington, D.C.
September 13-14 Captain West promoted to major. Lieutenant Mark Kern promoted to captain
October At Camp Pierpont, near Langley, Va.
December 6 Expedition to Grinnell’s Farm
March Attached to Artillery, 2nd Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
March 10-15 Advance on Manassas, Va.
April 9-19 McDowell’s advance on Falmouth. Attached to Artillery, McCall’s Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock
April-June Duty at Falmouth and Fredericksburg
June 25-July 1 Ordered to the Virginia Peninsula attached to Artillery Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
June 26 Battle of Mechanicsville
June 27 Gaines Mill

Corporals Amos Barge, William Hall and Thomas Robinson and Privates William Courter, Thomas Hyens, William Rouse and Everill Stinson were mortally wounded

June 30 Charles City Cross Roads and Glendale
July 1 Malvern Hill
July-August Duty at Harrison’s Landing
August 16-26 Movement to join Pope. Attached to Artillery, 3rd Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Virginia
August 30 Second Battle of Bull Run

Captain Kern and Privates Alexander Geiger and Jacob Stonsifer were killed

September Duty at Washington, D.C. attached to Artillery, 3rd Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
October 9 Rejoined Division at Sharpsburg, Md
October-November Movement to Falmouth, Va.
November 12 Lieutenant Frank Amsden promoted to captain
December 12-15 Battle of Fredericksburg

Private Daniel Sullivan was killed

January 20-24 “Mud March”
February-April At Falmouth and Belle Plains
April 27-May 6 Chancellorsville Campaign
April 29-May 2 Operations at Pollock’s Mill Creek
April 29-30 Fitzhugh’s Crossing
May 2-5 Chancellorsville

Attached to 3rd Volunteer Brigade, Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac

May 11 Belden Spence promoted to first lieutenant
May 12 Battery attached to Battery “F” 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
May 25 Captain Amsden resigns
June 11-July 24 Gettysburg Campaign; Attached to Artillery Brigade, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
July 1-3 Battle of Gettysburg

The battery was commanded at Gettysburg by Captain Robert B. Ricketts. It brought 144 men to the field serving six Ordnance Rifles, and suffered 6 killed, 14 wounded and 3 missing.

From the monument:

Present at Gettysburg Consolidated Battery F & G 3 officers & 141 men. Killed and died of wounds 7 men. Wounded 1 officer & 13 men. Captured or missing 3 men. Total loss 24.

G. Recruited in Philadelphia. Total enrollment 340. Mustered in July 25, 1861. Re-enlisted Dec. 1863. Mustered out June 29, 1865.

July 2nd. Reached the field and took this position in the afternoon and engaged the Rebel batteries on Benner’s Hill. 8 p.m. A Rebel column charged the Battery and a desperate hand-to-hand conflict ensued which was repulsed after every round of canister had been fired.

July 3rd. Engaged with the Rebel batteries on the left and centre of the line.

Privates William Mencer, Theodore Miller and Ephraim Wagner were killed

September 13-17 Advance to line of the Rapidan
October 9-22 Bristoe Campaign
October 14 Auburn and Bristoe
November 7-8 Advance to line of the Rappahannock
November 26-December 2 Mine Run Campaign
January 20 Lieutenant Belden Spence promoted to captain
February 6-7 Demonstration on the Rapidan
February 6-7 Morton’s Ford
February At Stevensburg
April 3 At Camp Berry, Defenses of Washington, D.C., 22nd Corps, separated from Battery “F” 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery. At Arlington Heights, Va., as garrison of Forts Bennett, Cochran and Haggerty
May Attached to 1st Brigade, DeRussy’s Division, 22nd Corps
July 3 Ordered to Frederick, Md. and attached to Reserve Division, Dept. of West Virginia
July 6 Infantry duty at Point of Rocks, Md.
December 4 Captain Spence mustered out, end of term
December 12 At Maryland Heights
January Attached to 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia
May 15 Lieutenant Eugene Moore promoted to captain
April 16 At Fort Lincoln, near Washington, D.C. attached to 3rd Brigade, Hardins’ Division, 22nd Army Corps
April 27 At Fort Foote
June 29 Mustered out at Camp Cadwalader under Captain Moore