Civil War Union Cavalry Officer’s Buff Colored Wool Vest


Civil War Union Cavalry Officer’s Buff Colored Wool Vest – We have had several Civil War, army vests, although they have always been somewhat difficult to find; we have had several dark, blue wool vests and some white linen vests, but this vest is one of the first we have had or seen that is constructed of a fine, low matte, buff-colored wool. The front of the vest is wool, while the lining and back are constructed of a high grade of linen. There are nine, Eagle “C’ cuff size buttons, affixed to the front of the vest via “bachelor rings”; all of the button holes are hand-whipped. The back of the vest has its original size adjuster straps, joined by brass clasps (unmarked). The vest has three, front pockets – two on one side of the front and one on the other, indicative of a Civil War period vest. The collar is a layover type. The vest was constructed via a combination of treadle machine and hand work. The vest remains in very good condition, with some wear staining visible on the linen back.