Group of Civil War Musket Lock Plates and Gun Parts Recovered from the James River

Group of Civil War Musket Lock Plates and Gun Parts Recovered from the James River – These lock plates and gun parts were all recovered from the James River; they were “entombed” in anaerobic conditions by being completely covered in silt, thereby preventing significant deterioration. All of the items have been electrolyzed and soaked in ethylene glycol, so they are permanently stable. The numbered artifacts are priced in our picture and are described as follows:

  1. M1861 Springfield lock plate – $135
  2. M1863 Bridesburg contract lock plate  – SOLD
  3. M1861 musket butt plate – $20
  4. M1842 barrel band and nose cap – $12
  5. M1861 trigger guard – $20
  6. M1861 Springfield lock plate – SOLD
  7. M1863 Bridesburg contract lock plate – both the date (1864), the U.S. eagle and “Bridesburg” remain visible; unusually configured hammer – SOLD