Personal & Miscellaneous ArtifactsDecember 24, 2021
Id’d Civil War Camp Mirror – Lt. and Quartermaster John S. Ives 25th Connecticut Infantry
$750Id’d Civil War Camp Mirror – Lt. and Quartermaster John S. Ives 25th Connecticut InfantryDecember 24, 2021 -
Civil War Period Shipboard Trunk and CDV of Lieutenant Charles H. Swasey, Mortally Wounded
$1,150Civil War Period Shipboard Trunk and CDV of Lieutenant Charles H. Swasey, Mortally WoundedNovember 10, 2021 -
1850s to Civil War Period Beaver Stovepipe Hat and Original Box
$4501850s to Civil War Period Beaver Stovepipe Hat and Original BoxOctober 25, 2021 -
Fine C.1830 – 1850 Side Saddle
$300Fine C.1830 – 1850 Side SaddleSeptember 27, 2021 -
Group of Civil War Period Personal and Military Smalls
Group of Civil War Period Personal and Military SmallsMay 24, 2021 -
1830s “A Night and Day” Four Draw Telescope Marked and Made by Ashmore and Osborne of London
$2501830s “A Night and Day” Four Draw Telescope Marked and Made by Ashmore and Osborne of LondonJanuary 10, 2021 -
Small Booklet Made by Wife of Wm. Layland 69th Ohio Inf. Containing Locks of Hair and a Poem
$450Small Booklet Made by Wife of Wm. Layland 69th Ohio Inf. Containing Locks of Hair and a PoemNovember 17, 2020 -
Original pre-Civil War to Civil War Period Drum Major’s Baton
$350Original pre-Civil War to Civil War Period Drum Major’s BatonJune 12, 2020 -
Group of Souvenirs from the 1907 Tri-centennial Exposition for the Founding of Jamestown
$325Group of Souvenirs from the 1907 Tri-centennial Exposition for the Founding of JamestownJune 6, 2020 -
Libby Prison War Museum Medal, 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago
$325Libby Prison War Museum Medal, 1893 Columbian Exposition in ChicagoMay 4, 2020 -
Civil War Period Silver Card Case Brought Home by F.M. Gibson, 40th Mass. Infantry
$625Civil War Period Silver Card Case Brought Home by F.M. Gibson, 40th Mass. InfantryMay 2, 2020